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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


October 27, 1998

Temple Builders

     The Father says to His people, to His church, that those things now manifested, those things now appearing as a reality, those things, many of which are making the news headlines, many of which are happening very privately in your spirit, those things, says the Father, is that which I have ordained from long ago.
     And now, with the passage of time, the fruition of that which has been decreed continues to evolve into the sight and the hearts of men and women whom I have called unto Myself and whom I have chosen for this hour.
     And as the culmination of many centuries becomes reality and becomes that which is manifested in your lives there are many and varied responses to the reality that now surrounds you and in which you are immersed.
     For those who are of My Spirit shall, deep within inside themselves, rejoice. And many of the happenings that are an indication unto them that I have truly spoken unto them in their spirit shall be a confirmation unto them of that which I have revealed unto them in the past. And they shall know that those things that now transpire, of which they have also spoken, will now also begin to be, and will come into existence. For those whom I have called and chosen know the power of the spoken word. They know the power of that which I have written. They know the power of that which they have heard from Me, that they have spoken in the earthly realm. And they know the power of the words that they have spoken from their own soulish realm.
     They have seen the seeds as they were planted. They have watched the tree as it grew from that seed and they have looked at the tree and they waited until the fruit appeared. And when they had tasted of the fruit they were then able to determine whether it was good or whether it was bad. And so they judged the tree.
     And now I am speaking to My called and chosen ones. And I am speaking things that have been hidden in My word, the things that they have heretofore not seen. And as I speak unto their spirit these things that have been hidden, they will see them in their spirit, they will see them with their eyes. And they shall proclaim unto you the revelation of old, which is new to you. And they shall show you in My word where that hidden revelation lies.
     For in My word I have stated the totality of all human experience, that which has been, that which is, and that which shall be. And in that totality are these revelations that I am now speaking into the heart and spirit of My called and chosen ones.
     For I am building a church, says the Lord, I have laid the foundation. I have supplied the Chief Cornerstone, and I am building My church. Though many would tear it down, though many would attempt to restructure it, to alter it, to modify it to conform to their own personal desires, yet shall I continue to build My church as I have stated in My word.
     And My called and My chosen ones are powerful builders and I have given them gifts, I have given them the ability, I have given them the desire, to build a towering edifice of My temple. As they continue in My word and continue to lift up the Living Word, My Son, Jesus Christ, and draw men unto Him, so shall My temple be further enlarged. And so shall My heart experience joy and delight at the obedience of My called and chosen ones, the builders.
     And there shall be many, says the Lord, there shall be many who shall see My temple, My church. And they shall gaze upon it with wondrous delight and they shall be drawn unto it. For the Spirit of My Son shall draw them. And they shall see Jesus in this temple. And so it shall be fulfilled that He shall draw all men unto Himself.
     And I delight in the obedience of My called and chosen ones, the builders of My temple. And My anointing has been poured out upon them so that the task may be completed even while the world system is being destroyed. And My anointed ones, these servants of the Most High, shall not suffer the destruction that is coming upon the earth. For they are busily engaged in building My temple and I shall not have them distracted.
     And those who attempt to distract them, who would attempt to distract these, My called and chosen ones, shall themselves be distracted. And many shall create their own destruction because they have attempted to hinder the building of My temple, My body, My church.
     So come unto Me you who are weary and heavy laden from the labors of building My temple and I shall anoint you anew and afresh. And I will establish a hedge about you, that you would not be touched by the destruction that is about you and that is to come.
     Many shall strive in their own flesh. Many shall attempt to do that which they think is right. Yet I have not anointed them, says the Lord, for they do not hear My voice, they do not know My word, they do not know My Son, they do not know My Spirit.
     But for those who continue to diligently seek Me, says the Lord, there are great rewards.
