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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


December 24, 1997




     I saw a big green garden hose with a squeeze-type nozzle. The kind where you can adjust the flow of water from a fine spray to a solid stream. And also adjust the volume of water flowing out from it. It was set to produce a narrow, concentrated stream of water and was patiently washing away layers of an amber-gold colored material that was covering something that was a darkish gray and black substance.
     Then something was added to the scene. And the water continued to wash stuff off, but this time it was a solid black, inky substance. It thoroughly dissolved the black stuff and it was real messy, with black stuff everywhere. If it wasn't for the water continuing to come out, it would have been a real filthy mess.
     As I watched I became aware that the hose was moving to different places and continuing to wash. The washed objects didn't come to the hose; the hose went to the objects.
     Constantly changing scenes like that, with the settings on the hose changing to meet the conditions necessary to wash the objects.
     During this washing process the hose was being brought to a very close proximity to those objects. Almost right up against them.
     Then the scene changed again.
     This time the hose was up way high and putting out a solid stream of water. The nozzle had been removed and it was going full blast and remaining stationary.
     The water was going into a swimming pool that was tiled with dark and light blue tiles. People with bathing suits were jumping in and splashing water all over the place. And swimming around in the water, thoroughly enjoying themselves.
     And because of the constant flow of water the pool began to overflow. Because people were jumping in and splashing the water it became a rain-like effect along with the flood.
     And the water just kept on filling and flooding.

     The green speaks of newness. The hose a conduit, the water the Word of God. The nozzle indicates a controlled flow.
     The amber-gold colored material represents the tainted anointing that many of the saints of God are operating in. This is washed away to reveal the darkish gray and black sin in their lives.
     The solid black, inky stuff is the sin covering the unsaved in the world. Washing away that sin without the continuing Word of God would result in a filthy mess.
     This controlled flow of the Word of God will go to different places on the globe according to God's sovereignty. And it will meet the individuals where they live.
     Note that God is first going to clean up the saints, then the unsaved.
     Then there will be a steady flow of God's Word that will fill congregations everywhere. (A swimming pool is a place where people congregate.) There will be a variety of priestly ministries. (In the Bible, the high priest wore a blue garment. Also when the tabernacle was dismantled for traveling, the veil, the table of showbread, the golden lampstand and the altar of incense were covered with a blue cloth. The utensils of service were wrapped in a blue cloth. The blue indicates a priestly ministry.) That there will be a variety of these ministries is indicated by the dark and light blue tiles.
     People will be attracted to these congregations. They will prepare themselves and be honest and transparent. (That's the significance of the bathing suits. How many know you can't hide your figure — good or bad in a bathing suit?) And they'll splash enjoyably, spreading the Word, and the effectiveness of it, into neighborhoods and cities around them. And the Word will flood over and into those areas around them.
     And the Word will continue to flow.

     Get ready for exposure! Ask God to wash the sin out of your life by the washing of the water of the Word. Read and study the Word as much as you can. Don't get a Speedy Car Wash mentality. That just creates more stuff for God to wash away.
     Check your spiritual figure. You've been able to disguise yourself with good fitting suits and flattering colors and the latest styles to make people think you're something you're not. But to get into the flow of God's Word requires you drop all that junk and put on a divine bathing suit in which you will be honest, open and transparent.
     And be ready to speak the Word, in season and out of season, to your neighbors and over your city. (Spiritual warfare.)
     You may be one of the first God washes. And if you are you'll feel rather conspicuous. In your spiritual bathing suit. Looking at everybody else in their nice suits and colors and styles. And they'll see you, with your flesh hanging out in places you didn't know you had places. Just love them, because they're next.
     You may be one of the last God washes. Don't feel all smug with your suit and colors and styles. Your day is coming. Just love them, with their flesh hanging out for all to see.
     We'll all eventually jump into the pool of God's ministries. Flesh and all.
