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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


February 4, 1999

Times and Seasons

     The Spirit of God says:

     This is a time like no other time and this is a season like no other season. And many of the things that are transpiring now have never happened before in the history of the world. So there are new things, there are new experiences and there are new levels of learning that must be explored.
     And to My church I say that you must be adaptable to the times, you must be flexible, you must seize every opportunity that comes in order to present the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are around you and experiencing the same changes in the times.
     For there shall be seasons that shall come and seasons that shall go during these times. And during those seasons there will be periods of powerful anointing. For if I were to leave the full power of My anointing upon you it would be more than your flesh could receive. So you must also learn to recognize and accept those seasons of powerful anointing for I shall pour out of My Spirit that which I have promised you.
     And there shall be great bursts of power that I shall release unto My people to do the things that I would have them to do. So do not feel that it is an ebb and flow that stems from your flesh and from your soul, rather it is your loving Father who shall pour out upon you at those times when I expect you to utilize that anointing for My purposes. So be prepared, be receptive, be adaptive and be flexible in these times and as these seasons of powerful anointing come upon you.
     For I am building My church living stone by living stone by living stone. And I shall cement it all together with the power of My Holy Spirit. And each and every one of you shall be a support and reinforcement for those who are around you. For I am truly building on the strength of the foundations that have been laid by My apostles and by My prophets from of old.
     And I am bringing now to re-establish and strengthen and firm up that foundation those who shall continue to build. And there shall be powerful anointings upon My prophets as they continue to proclaim the words and the visions that I give unto them. And they shall be powerful servants. And those whom I have called to be sent, My apostles, shall also operate in the fullness of My power in their time and in their seasons. And so shall all of My people operate in the fullness of My anointing according to My purposes.
     Do not be confused, do not be distracted, by those who operate in great bursts of power. And do not be astounded, but rather be ready to receive that anointing into your own lives as you yield your life unto Me. For My church, from its foundations shall be strengthened and shall be empowered because of its Chief Cornerstone, My Son, Jesus Christ, and His blood that He has shed for you, and for all of humanity, for those who would receive it.
     For there is much that is to be done and there are many that shall share the task of building My church so that all shall see the strength and the power and the anointing that I have given unto those who have responded to the gospel of My Son, and have become His disciple. And so shall you be salt and so shall you be light. And so shall He draw men unto Himself, those who will receive you as salt and light.
     For I am building a powerful church, and I am building a powerful army. And many shall look and shall be amazed at that which is happening through My church, and through My army. So be prepared for the times, and be prepared for the seasons. For I have told you beforehand that these things shall be.
     And the limitations that those who are in the world that are all around you shall attempt to place upon you because of the power and the strength of My church, My army, shall be broken like flimsy bonds. For I would not have My church bound by the captivity of the things of this world. But My church shall be strong from Him Who strengthens it.
     So do not be distracted, do not be discouraged, do not be afraid. But continue to stand and having done all, to stand.
