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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


November 13, 1998

True Power

     As the war clouds gather upon the horizon the greatness of the power of man will be displayed. But the effectiveness of that power shall be thwarted. For your true enemies are in the heavenlies and they are in the spiritual realm. And the effectiveness of the weapons in My church in waging war is determined not by man’s power but by the power that comes from Me. And I am equipping My church with the knowledge of how to utilize that power against all the power of the enemy.
     For failure to conquer the enemy is not due to a lack of power in My church, it is due to a lack of knowledge of how to apply that power. So as I continue to prepare you, as I continue to equip you, hearken unto My voice of instruction for I have many things yet to say to My church. But this is but the beginning of the battle, says the Lord.
     For those things that you see in the natural are a reflection of those things that shall occur in the spiritual realm. And by careful observation of what transpires in the natural you will gain understanding and wisdom in utilizing My power in conquering your true enemy.
     For I am a God of wisdom and I give that wisdom freely unto My church, to those who will receive it. To those who deny it and continue to operate in the power of their own flesh, they shall not attain to the true victory. They shall only flex their muscles and display the potential of their power but shall remain without the wisdom of how to utilize that power in bringing about the victory which I shall give unto My church.
     So listen to those who I have granted authority to speak for Me. Those you have judged to be prophets of My calling. Those who hear My words and faithfully report them unto you. Do not be deceived by those who speak out of their own wisdom, out of their own understanding, and out of the knowledge of the things that are about them in the earthly realm, for they are not sent of Me. They do not speak for Me.
     Those that I have called and chosen I have well prepared. And you will know them by their fruits. For the fruit is good and the tree is good and they will stand up in that day and they shall be judged accordingly as will those whose fruit is bad and the tree is bad.
     For I no longer wink at the things that are transpiring in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ, as being of Him. But I call unto account, I call unto judgment, every word that is spoken. And so as you continue faithful to those things that I continue to reveal to you through My called and chosen prophets so shall you prosper. And to those who hearken unto the words of those that I have not called and chosen and I have not sent, so shall you be responsible for every false word spoken in My name. For there is coming, and soon, the great division among those who name the name of My Son. And there shall be those who shall continue to draw all men unto My Son, and Him crucified. And there shall be those who shall continue to draw all men unto themselves, that they may have a following.
     I will not be mocked, says the Lord, for the things that are of Me are real and genuine and of great value. And the things that are not of Me, the things that are outside of My kingdom are temporal and they shall quickly pass and they shall fade away. But the things that are of Me, says the Lord, shall continue. For the temple that I am building I am building for an eternal purpose, says the Lord.
