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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


September 19, 1999


       The Lord says to His church:

       My desire is for My church, My people, to have life and life more abundantly. This won’t be accomplished unless you are full of the truth. The truth is not to be found in those things that you see all around you, for many of those things are manifestations of the outworking of the devices of the evil one. So therefore in using those things as a frame of reference they will feed your spirit a lie. You must surround yourself with truth, with the things that will feed your spirit truth, and those things that are not truth are a lie. Your soul and your spirit will shrivel up, it will dry up and it will atrophy if you continue to feed yourself lies. So you must walk by the faith that you had at the beginning.
       Many of My people are walking by sight, and feeding their souls and spirits the lies that are being generated by the enemy and those who follow him. And I, your God, would have you to thrive, and flourish and grow on the things that are truth. And the things that are truth come from the tree of life, not from your knowledge of what is good and what is evil. For My ways are not your ways, and My wisdom is not your wisdom. For man’s wisdom is earthly, sensual and demonic. So you must continue to feed your soul and your spirit through your faith in Me and in My Son, Jesus Christ, and in the crucifixion that brought about His resurrection into a new state of existence in which He melded His divinity permanently with human flesh. But remember that He is in a glorified fleshly body which is His as a result of laying down His life for others.
       As the lies of the enemy continue to feed your soul and spirit, it will create in you a desire to hold onto your life which you will ultimately lose. As you continue to feed your faith upon the things that I have given to you, My church, then you will lose your life and ultimately retain it. In the world—that is built upon material things and power struggles and authoritarian levels of command—it is difficult not to see those things and for them not to affect you. However, you must walk by faith and not by sight and you must continue to remember the example of My Son, Who by faith has brought you truth. And so you must continue in that truth, you must continue in My word, you must continue in fellowship with Me through prayer, you must continue to do those things which bring life.
       For the Spirit of My Son is grieved and is quenched when those things of the enemy are allowed into your soul and into your spirit. And in My love for you, I will continue to pour out My Holy Spirit to be with you as your Comforter during these times of struggle that you have with your flesh. So look unto Me, look unto the cross, for there you shall fill your eyes and your soul and your spirit with that which is truth. And He that comes unto Me, seeking truth, I will in no wise cast out.
