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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


June 8, 1998

Wheat and Tares

     I had a problem with this word because of the idea of “threshing the tares,” as it seemed not to be a biblical concept. In reading Matthew 13:25-40, it's clear the tares will be gathered, bundled and burned.
     However in examining the scriptures I found in Isaiah 41:15, mountains were threshed, in Micah 4:13 and Habakkuk 3:12, the nations were threshed, In Amos 1:3 Gilead was threshed, 2 Kings 13:7, an army was threshed and in Isaiah 21:10 people were crushed on the threshing floor.
     Vines Expository Dictionary defines “tares” as “.. resembling wheat in appearance. It was credited among the Jews with being degenerate wheat. The rabbis called it “bastard.” The seeds are poisonous to man and herbivourous animals, producing sleepiness, nausea, convulsions and even death (they are harmless to poultry). The plants can be separated out, but the custom, as in the parable, is to leave the cleaning out till near the time of harvest ...” “... The Lord describes the tares as “the sons of the evil one”; false teachings are indissociable from their propagandists...”
     So it became clear to me that the “tares” are not true sons of God, but are “bastards” (Hebrews 12:8), and are instead “sons of the evil one.” With their poison, sickness and death because of their false teachings they will indeed be “threshed” and crushed by the mighty hand of God.
     Where this will happen in the sequence of gathering, bundling and burning will be according to the sovereign will of God.
     A note of interest is that the tares shall stand up and denounce the wheat as being counterfeit wheat. The true wheat, however, will respond with their manifested servanthood. When the tares have been judged, then the wheat, which will have grown because of their receiving spiritual sunshine and being planted in spiritual soil then will continue to stand. This fits in with the two harvests mentioned in scripture (Matthew 13:30). The tares will be standing, in their pride, and will be harvested first, while the true servants will be bent low in humility. Then when the tares have been harvested, the wheat will continue to stand, for their eventual harvest.

     Word from the Lord:

     The devil is now focusing in on those in the body of Christ who are not rooted and grounded in love. He is appealing to their soulish desires, their minds, their emotions and their will power. And so they have developed. Because they are easily swayed by their own thoughts and desires, they will become convinced that they are the righteous ones, that they are the remnant, but they are wrong.
     For their distinctness and their uniqueness that they feel does not come from the Spirit of Christ that is within them. Rather it comes from a self-centered focus upon their own desires and upon their own works and upon the things that they themselves do in order to make themselves prominent in the kingdom of heaven.
     They are thoroughly deceived and they will stand up and they will tell the truly righteous, they will tell the true remnant, that they are false, that they are counterfeit, that they are of the spirit of the evil one. And they will continue to hear from the second heaven the lies of the enemy and they shall continue to operate in spirits of divination and they shall continue to operate in those areas of their own soul. Spiritually, that Christ within them has become diminished and so the things that they are telling themselves are not true.
     They are the tares of which I spoke in My word. They are the tares, and they are the ones that look fat and righteous and plush and full, but they are the tares.
     You will know that they are the tares because they will denounce the wheat and the wheat will respond by continuing with a true servants heart that comes from the Spirit of Christ that has grown within them. And the tares, seeing this, will think that they are in charge and that they are in control and that they are the true leaders, not realizing that those who are servants are My righteous ones and they shall become inheritors of My kingdom.
     And the tares and the wheat shall grow together and each in its time shall be properly threshed and each in its time shall realize the appointment of their eternal destiny.
     So I say to My wheat, do not attack the tares. Do not attempt to remove them from your midst. For I shall judge the tares at their appointed time. And the things that are coming unto you that are revelation to your spirit and are witnessed to by My word, those are the things that you shall do, says the Lord.
     For the things of this earth are temporal, they are not satisfying as they are of the earth. But My wheat receives of all the nutrients of the spiritual sunshine that shines upon them. And My wheat receives all of the nutrients of the spiritual soil where their roots go deep. And so shall they grow and they shall be strong and they shall be powerful and in its appointed time, in its appointed season, they shall continue to stand and to grow and become nourishment for those who come unto them, and the tares shall perish.
     Be My servants, be My wheat, let your roots go deep, be fully nourished by My sunshine. For those things which are temporal, those things which are built upon the flesh and those things that are not of My Spirit, surely they shall perish, but you, My wheat, shall flourish.
