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Ode to the Doctor’s Office

Here I sit so clean and shiny,
Scrubbed and clean from Head to Hinny.

I sit here afraid, split gown all in place.
The doctor comes in, a frown on his face.

He tells me "don’t worry" as he slips on his glove.
I know right away, this is no back rub.

He pushes and prods each little bump,
I inwardly pray, please don’t find a lump.

He works right along his manner so sure,
Then says with a smile, "We may have a cure".

I then get laid down on a bed of cold steel,
Radiated till I think that I’m the next meal.

Before I turn brown, or glow in the dark,
The doctor comes in happy as a lark.

Tells me to get up I can go home,
Continue my life as if nothing is wrong.

I jump and I shout, and run out with glee,
Forgetting the world can see the backside of me.

Ray Kissler © 3-1-99

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Theme music from the movie "Jaws"
provided by The Midi Farm