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Adam M. Gray

October 7, 1979 - March 7, 2000

Growing up with Adam produced alot of memories. I can remember when him and Mom came home from the hospital. Mom taught me the fine art of diaper changing and I got alot of practice starting with Adam. I guess being the oldest of five children, I learned the right and wrong things to do before the rest. Through the years I tried to teach the others siblings what I had learned from my mistakes. Adam I pushed more than the others.

Most of the time me and Adam were arguing over foolish stuff. I felt he had more obsticale to overcome that the rest of us so I preached to him more. Looking back I regret alot of the preaching I did to him and wish I had spend more time laughing with him instead of arguing. All in all, I still have alot of great memories with my brother Adam.

Adam and Me liked to mushroom hunt. During the mushroom season, I would go over to mom's and the first thing out of Adams mouth was "How many mushrooms you found?". Then we would take off across the road and start hunting. Adam loved going fishing. He started fishing before he started school. He would fish for hours on end. Adam was also a great artist. Adam had alot of talent that was yet to be tapped.

Adam was with us a very short time. Over the years of try to teach him I now look back and wished I had try to learn a few things from him. Since his passing, I have grown alot closer to my mother and my other siblings. I will always cherish the time I spent with my brother and will keep his memories alive.

My mother donated my brothers organs. We got word that several people received those organs and are now about to live on to spend time with their family. If you are not an organ donor please become one today. It just might be one of your family members that need the help one of these days.