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My Family Scrapbook

Welcome to my family photo album. I hope you enjoy the pictures that I have put on here. I will be adding some new pictures to this page from time to time, so please feel free to come back any time you want. ENJOY!!!

This is my Mom and Dad

This is my brother

This is my Minature Schnauzer Ellie

As you can see I have a very good looking family. My parents are both retired and travel quite a bit I take care of Ellie for them when they travel. They have been very supportive and are always there when I need some advice from them. Thanks!!! I LOVE YOU BOTH!!! My brother is two years younger than me. He attended Stanford University and graduated in 1991 from Stanford. He currently lives in the California area and has a very cool job!!! (sometimes I wish I had his job) When he isn't working he does Djing for parties and weddings on the the weekends. I am very close to my brother and I look up to him quite a bit and he always includes me with the gang when I visit him. I wish he lived closer to me!!! Hey Spud your always on my mind 24 hours a day 7 days aweek!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! My little doggie Ellie is 13 years old and going on strong she has been my constant companion over the years never tattling on me and loves the attention that I give her. On a sad note my "Little Sister" Ellie was put to sleep on March 25, 2000 she was 14 1/2 years old she will be missed terribly. I love you Ellie! I hope you have enjoyed my little tidbits on my family. I promise there will be more pictures and stories to tell as I get them.