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This page is dedicated to grandmother

My grandmother was born on November 27, 1902 and passed away on June 15, 1993. I had her for 27 years of my life. She was a very special person to me and always had a sense of humor and could sometimes be fiesty when she wanted to be. I could always remember some of her funny things she did. I think I followed in her footsteps in some of her habits. Ha ha!!! My grandmother always swore that she would live long enough to see my brother graduate from Stanford University and see me graduate from Spokane Falls Commmunity College. Well, she did indeed keep that promise!!!! I always told my mom that if I ever moved out and into my own place that I would show her my "new digs." That dream that I had did become a reality for me as well as a dream for her to see me out on my own. In March 1993 she came and saw "my new digs" and three months later she died. I was quite honored to have her visit my place!!!! I never doubted her one bit and she always had a smile for me!!! It's been nine years as of June 15,1999 I think of her everyday and MISS her terrribly, but I do have great memories of her from my childhood days thru turning into a full grown adult. I know she's watching me and I know she's guiding me!!! Grandma, I LOVE YOU!!!