"America's Second Harvest / Ending Hunger"

Homeless/Street Newspapers

National Coalition for the Homeless: Newspaper Directory
Contact information for dozens of homeless and street newspapers.

North American Street Newspaper Association Directory
The most comprehensive directory of street newspapers on the Web. Lots of other great reasources here also.

Real Change
Seattle newspaper speaks for the poor and homeless. Well-constructed site.

Spare Change/Homeless Empowerment
New England's street newspaper for, of and about the poor and homeless. Based in Boston

Street News
NYC street-circulated newspaper with the proceeds going to the homeless people who sell it.

Street Sheet
San Francisco street newspaper published by the Coalition on Homelessness.

Street Voice
Pittsburgh-based street/homeless paper. Slick Web presence, but not much news online. Lots of helpful street info.

Chicago-based paper sold by the poor and homeless is the nation's largest. However, Internet edition is just a placeholder so far.

"The computer programmer is a creator of universes for
which he alone is responsible. Universes of
virtually unlimited complexity can be created
in the form of computer programs."

-Joseph Weizenbaum


"...and you, Marcus, you have given me
many things; now I shall give you this good
advice.  Be many people.  Give up the game
of being always Marcus Cocoza.  You have
worried too much about Marcus Cocoza, so
that you have been really his slave and prisoner.
You have not done anything without first
considering how it would affect Marcus
Cocoza's happiness and prestige.  You were
always much afraid that Marcus might do a
stupid thing, or be bored.  What would it really
have mattered?  All over the world people are
doing stupid things...  I should like you to be
easy, your little heart to be light again.  You
must from now, be more than one, many
people, as many as you can think of..."
-- Karen Blixen ("The Dreamers")
About 2/3rds of the 
Introduction to Bjarne Stroustrup's
(the creator of C++)
C++ Programming Language, 3rd Ed., 1997,
Addison-Wesley; Reading, MA

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now to begin; fear not!


"The important thing for you to realize is that learning a computer programming language is a long-term process and not an isolated event. You have to work at it regularly and you have to challenge yourself if you are to advance your knowledge and skill level. There are no free lunches and no pills that will make you into a brilliant programmer overnight."