"I will not dishoner these sacred arms, and
I will not desert my comrade in the ranks, whoever
he may be.  I will defend the shrines and holy 
rites whether I am alone or with company.  I will
hand over our country to my successors not less 
but greater and better than I receive it.  I will
heed the wise commands of the appointed magistrates,
and I will obey the established laws and whatsoever
other laws the democracy may agree to establish.  
If anyone shall try to subvert the laws or will not
obey them, I will endeavor to prevent it and will
defend the laws, whether I am alone or with all the
other citizens.  And I will respect the religion of my
   "I call the following gods to witness: Agraulos,
Enyalios, Ares, Zeus, Thallo, and Hegemone."  

Greek and Roman Classics in Translation C.T. Murphy (Oberlin) - K. Guinagh (E. Illinois U.) - W.J. Oates (Princeton), -Eds. (c) 1947, David McKay Company, Inc. New York

To: Agencies /Co-Vice /TN /Memphis /Beale_Street /([cf-!!. MuOnBo] BLIGH) blues-lounge-interests-get-honor From: Wallace Darwen Brindle

Contacted by telephone on Saturday, 12 JAN 2002 at 13:30 hrs.

  • KKM asked if I knew who was calling asked to meet me in the evening.
  • Mentioned Taxi as transport to her invit [New York spec-streetspeak-esque euphemism KKMre2as a shared meal].
  • We discussed KKMs crime -- I believe that a confederate was on 2nd phone, because KKM made the amount stolen as $30.00 less than actual (why, unless preceeding true? [cf. Okhm's Rzzr]): skimmed the little felony wittyman(gender important/not important?), KKM's [probably] working with; on-going or as an ad hoc "consultant".
  • Asked KKM to call another time because I was otherwise engaged on evening in question.
  • As this is true, as it happens, am taking everything of value with me in my contact's car.
  • Not that much I can't do it in one trip. Not bulk-intensive, to be kind.
  • Would prefer to sit in dark with volume of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics waiting; and solve problem with dialectic during [any such comically confused] episode of break and enter. Backup if poor students, ergo: deployment-ready: more pragmatic gift sets? --> Best: something of rhetorically temperature intensive O.S. Another evening. [Sporadic (or fungal?)] further phone use only owing to that. DSL line soon so...
  • IF ANYTHING SHOULD HAPPEN TO ME, these facts are as they are written, the only person or person's known to me who might do me physical harm or worse.
  • About 10 minutes after KKM's call, the silent caller from Murphy Sunmo' move and just after move here -- check with New York Public Library (42nd & 5th research/main). Records for my ID, address, and contacts, etc. Show the badge in person, or seek help from Det. about whom we spoke.
  • This time I spoke to silent caller and "earned" a breathy snort. Small potatoes harm-wise, oh -- felons shoe-ah -- they just don't kappish their righteous but (and by intent) blatant taking what is not theirs in large numbers -- and the ethics/morals/ personal crudescence of doing the heavy thieving to someone who had gone through, by prof. diagnosis, 5 major (textbook) life stressors in 30 days, by mere coincidence, bad synchronicity. I do not believe that this silent caller numbhead is involved with current particular theft/ implied- threat- of- more (my analysis, to be fair, again, to the filth contingency...). Probably silenthead is one of the usual suspects (of 3).
  • If there is no writing in this space between arrows: [space-->]"WRITING"  Have new parts for: The Equate [EITHER/] OR. Thank you for your attention.  "WRITING"[<--space] by 12:00 hrs, Monday, 14 JAN 2002; [no, I didn't forget] reason to look into possibility of foul play in re. well-being of WDB. [Please Note Well, this is not fiction or poetry. -like now they would see me/it in those terms, right...]
  • I would certainly suggest starting with [blues lounge we spoke of]'s lead stand-in/up/out/[at small end of bar], blues band's LEADER and HEADLINER, plays guitar (with teeth at times) and sings. Extremely good -- exquisitely rare musical talent. How many others? Gave him, the night of crime, napkin or something with above or similar compliment, music job ask, and web site, in case he might visit same. Directly after this, 5 minutes say, NOT after my contact left me alone there (so I would hv looked prime candidate); BUT after napkin offering, individuals began coming to sit next to me. KKM not one of these persons; but in this same field of endeavor. KKM appeared as I walked to exit the "blues lounge". This is what I am going on -- repeat, going on this not idle dable cool fun game but, rather the "rape and violation" of an honest poet/ scientist/ philosopher/family-man-wannabe -- No good. Ruins the neighborhood. "He means the mind..." as: "Break through in the Gray Room..." --mind as environment/ atmosphere/ elemental/ crucial.
  • This is not about [$X.oo], less $30.00 -- "...youz cops" need to read, and re-read...more W.S. Burroughs, respectfully. Ask PB who _____ and at ______; or ask the Bluestocking person I may have to _________ Nolap.Bag [all accomplished only within U.S. [legal]/Justice System]; and (2nd) who [entirely off-subject (too bad about that, no post hoc ergo propter hoc...ethics...go figgah...) clue:] "Beautiful model-worthy ,where she is not so-pose-a/b"- anyway __'ll -- she'll steal some for you, and some Eco too, autographs and all, or some photographs of your family, or other items useless to her except vis-avis extortion plot [ex Blue Ridge/&US legal system]. \maybe she'll see light and then I'll generally be cheered up and also cheer up about Sam and Francis' vacation. -WDB 14:39 I would LOVE IT if her ________ _________ sister from Shakespeare's Tall Hat Sea got into this somehow. More intrigue. And what do I have to lose\?, her little people would have to wait in line, now, I right? True? Ja, oder Nein, Zero Funf?? You know, agency friends, 1 special Jung friend, et al., (not that idiot in Torquey), wow -- what a _____ of work, not bad looking at all though, really... -- I'd say better than the sec upstairs who nearly vehicularly-manslaughtered me of an afternoon on my innocent walkabout to see Sermit about a food items purchase order -- not very sinister deal there on my part... (sic) -- and I had the NERVE to alow my hypothalamus to click on and try to report this [other, lot's of 'em around me...why is that, Mr. Fo'castle?] crime. Shssssh! -- and all this in such a pristine, incorrubable (sic), non-venal county too... Maybe I should open back up all of these issues. Only I'd have to go there. --Not on my watch. As always, spelling is not meaningful because, in English -- as opposed to the Greek / Latin / Sanskrit crowd -- it has become reliably non-functional; and I only do functional symbolic language systems, like Deductive Forms, or excellent poetry, say..."(Line for/to: spelling voodoo princess and designate CNA for Schizophrenics and their taxi-hackers\les persons:) "Yah, because of people like yh... no no -- if someone makes a V______torium out of a bathroom and I, therefore, feel the urge, where's is your spell-ove-hissue then...? Oh yes, I forgot: I'm going to my own domain name and one stone-BAD-butt-firewall-ed host with no cmpnctns save timely payment for the entire 50 free (though friendly, fond of, and fine) hosts, all these pages of 315 are backed up in Daphne's Chambers, with image files, so...pick up a phone(!)...and throw it in the Chattawoochuo...wyncha? Jorge Tandabull instructions upcoming next in line...14:22 Sunday, 13 JAN 02 -WDB