Do you know of free hosts offering
Java servlets & JSP capability? (e.g.:
Tomcat w/Resin)? URL, w/out "http://"
or other 30 char. short address/
directives/a clue {|8-)> ...

What is your email address, please?
[You're returned to]

Everyone! Please, after enjoying the following ""cavalier bravado merriment"" please scroll down to bottom of this page and click ariadnexus2whoa.html -- please... self-explanatory. I so much appreciate your help: I MUST get this -- and WITH the resources, such as they are -- now at my disposal. I shan't forget the kindness.

Wallace, see THIS and -t-h-i-s-. First thing Wednesday, the 7th. It looks promising.

CLICK: Can you who are JSP and Java Servlet mavens, reservoirs of experience, and grand problem poobahs tell me what's going on with this? -- after you read it. Also please see THIS. If you would. The public message FAQ, etc, forums there, too...under FT P. DeMille / voltuniv please. Using at Memphis PubLib. My neck hurts, my back hurts, hour number 9? number 9? %^& turnmeon deadman, turn meondeadman... at this today... pwoooobwaaabweee...

If you have anything for me by way of new information, please "Stand not on the order of your [emailing] but [email] at once!" to THIS address. Words not spelled correctly, I see there too, I need "tranquility now, tranquility now...!"

              Antworten   Allen antworten   Weiterleiten   Umleiten   Löschen 
              Hey Hoo!

              I am up in my room at Bellevue Hosp. I have always
              hated ftp. I remember, even now after the treatments,
              how I used to open my windows -- this was before THE
              LONG TIME -- and shout incomprehensible things making
              almost_sounds that, by comparison, coloured H.P. Love-
              craft's Cthulhu Mythos' protagonist's histrionics to 
              merely a dull droning like a person on too much Thor-
              azine reading a 1975 Reader's Digest, maybe to a 
              friendly bug ...named “Dr. Wuggles”.

              You see, my best friends are file managers and HTTP
              Upload utilities. [*dissolve to Leaky's weekly Rentals
              TRAILER PARK of (W)HORRORS here* continue Voice Over] 
              ...when my landlord took my $6k computer, illegally,
              and under duress with lots of smoke and CYA coming out...
              I had to start working at my [a. Web and E-commerce 
              design projects at the Memphis Public Library] and 
              [b. Stand alone applications Java (and others ????) 
              programming Exam Cram(s) hands-on-ness so I can get 
              out of poverty via JSP and Servlet (and ????) practice 
              at the: ...Memphis P.L.] and [c. figuring out how to 
              "find things" for complicated computer-generated and 
              otherwise manipulated graphics arts images, etc. that 
              can also mostly really only be done -- *jump cut to A 
              Man Named Horse hazing ritual scenes that did not get 
              past the censors* -- with unparalleled hurdle hopping 
              without being able to avail DOS, downloads, CD-ROMS, 
              or command line (“The Gimp” I dig special, or did…) 
              – e.g.: like ftp -- which I have always hated, remem-

              -- "Web Sciences" super advanced studies with freesites
              is not all that free, you know? (When I get out of here,
              I'll pay later, a great deal!, to all of Them who have 
              helped me to become the psychic train wreck I am today –
              oh! and contribute! Bonaparte Phooey, Jose!! I shall make 
              good – MAKE good! --; after I eat my clipped-pictures-of-
              food soup for the week; after I get out -- ...) should 
              have file managers (text editors up there at the server, 

              It *sobs here inconsolably, finally, as whitecoats take 
              him to KRA: “Kratchet’s Restricted Area”*]
              *now alone w/ wires all over scalp, Kratchet hums in 
              [close up, a smile you never want to dream of – much less 
              actually see:] Today I finally -- FINALLY -- found a free 
              JSP and Servlet Web host after 10 days of dark
              dark dark dark moments and not a few insults from various
              citizen capitalists.

              Of course, the first thing I discovered after I got regis-
              tered at -- and as I was picking out the Lam-
              borghini I want to order’s color and interior leathers and 
              built-in lap top and special passenger side place for the 
              real life photo of Jodie Foster (I mean, uno, after I pass 
              the Java Exam, ... see-what-Imsane?, the Fountain-O-Corn-
              ucopia nice nice; and also buy myself 4 T-1 connections and 
              4 >= $6,000 (Dell, Compaq, Gateway, and a build-my-own) com-
              puters to be placed on marble pedestals with NASA-JPL-built 
              USPs in the live guard x 2 MIT STANFORD LAN LAB enabled Bunker: 
              “Area Omega One”), ...resuming: first thing I noticed was the
              only way to get 'Hello World' into a file at was
              ... are you ready?


              I thought it was nice when my Girlfriend, Daphne Irene 
              Amarita, had a flower delivery service deliver the nas-
              turchuns (sp?)  -- at least, all the Nurses -- even Kra-
              tchet said it was... *long pause, downward look, cataton-
              ically sad* she DID say ...herself even -- mmm...they were
              scared, though, when I read the card n' where at the top 
              it said: "FTP" /

              Can you tell me how to get the HTTransferProtocol Browser 
              Fair-E to visit me here? I have to pass the Java Cert Exam, 
              can’t you see that? -- so as to pay for the plate glass 
              window I jumped through with the flowers in my mouth, yelling, 
              and screeching, but not too loudly, cause of the acoustical 
              effects of the flowers, can’t y'all see that? 

              The nice man at an electronique mail address who left this 
              message at the MCS forums (quod vide): "For all having the 
              same problem, I have now a solution (without applett). If 
              you want know more, email me to [it's
              not real, I tried]" has not answered me... yet. He's FTPing,
              of course.

              Would you like to help me? Your site ( 
              also requires DOS / Command Line / Downloads / Librarian bribes 
              in the tens of thousands of dollars range – clearly a Pyrrhic 
              victory – but worth every peer to avoid FTP, which I hate Tesla 
              dint invent it YOU KNOW, it was Edison all the time because 
              of the Fossil Fuel Guys! – anyways, I have to go now, it is 
              what the Chief Other Bad Nurse Warden calls "Cocktail Time"

              I love you all. Nobody knows how much I love you all. Please 
              help me before … before… *looks hideously like Norma Desmond 
              in Sunset Boulevard, distant, away* I have to do my close-up 
              now Mr. DeMille… I’m ready Nurse KraMille… my upload --- Nurse 
              DeChat… “m’ready – mm hmm… m'hmm: Say – 'f t pee' (!)  

              *fade to black*

                                                            --Rue d'Auseil

              (the former Wallace D. Brindle)
      [% <------ Resume %]

              I will be rehearsing leggy data bytes at:


              or the BerlinShare Mental 
              Health Bellevue East BS-MHBE 

              PS: Naturally my $15,000 in default (because lousy 3rd and
              5th rate "schools/+ one college, A_______ in Mpls" with Fed 
              and other Gov Imprimatur and Cachet -- I don't care what they 
              say -- beguiled me but did not educate much, interview people 
              sold me, that they did...) student loan problem can't be solved.... 
              can it -- I'll do WORK WORK if I can solve by STU-Deeeee at 
              __Your University or ComColl's Name Here__... even windows -- 
              anything you like, Madam Demille... anything at all -- except 


              Special thanks to my Producer Albert_Nermelk_25, 
              and the good sports at

              [F.T.P. DeMille & others: "file mgrs, incl. browser 
              goods / HTTP pleasant-trees." @ The Cabaret Voltaire 
              Group 2004 all rights reserved, but we are quite venal.]

              +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More +++
              Neu: Preissenkung für MMS und FreeMMS!

          Hm! Oh, I think I understand this... [no responses...]
Please note there is a message board,
with this discussion string starting, up now
(12/23/03)-(01/04/03) at:

If you prefer leave your message,
if any, there.

         Thanks! --WB.MSTR.ED