NEWS GROUP -- Bulletin Boards -- All For You...RIGHT HERE!

Three People Who Rate Around Here:

NEW NEW NEW NEW CabVoltaire's Newsgroup #1A FYI: Seek our burroughs cage artaud discussion board here

[] Our Official Burroughs Cage Artaud Discussion Group Click! More Changes Coming Every Day. All For You...RIGHT HERE!
[] William S. Burroughs MEGA LINK RESOURCE
[] Burrough's Cut-up Technique
[] The Burroughs InternetWebZone [FYI: Deutchess Electronic Service] Click Orange URL For Burroughs
[] John Cage: The Complete String Quartets, Vol. 1
[] Cage's Indterminacy: New Aspect of Form in Instrumental and Electronic Music --Includes All The Stories! Do Get The Stories, For Starters, Then The CD(?)! Work For You?
[] Cage Annotated Discography NEEDS YOUR HELP!
[] ARTseenSOHO -- Antonin Artaud...
[] Artaud -- {& Jim Morrison of THE DOORS)
[] Artaud Online: The Artaud Gallery -- Artaud Estate -- [Note: Javascript]
[] The Loading Doc
[] CHAT CAB-VOLT CHAT --Clauses Required at Minimum-- (Scroll Down)/[& Projected Index Layout Page of CVG-7]

EMAIL ME: If you like, I'll suggest more material. I'm here to help! AND I need your ideas -- goes without saying --

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