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welcome traveler
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Who I Am

My name is Julie...
now "40-something"; happily married and "Mom"
to twins: Taylor and Nicholas, born in 1992.

I love to sing, read, draw, write
(poetry and fictional short stories), garden, cook, etc.

I tend to be open and honest to a fault
(don't ask me if you don't want the truth),
and apparently most drawn to the "underdogs" of the world
("Can I bend over backwards to make life easier for you?").

My Family

My family is everything to me. I'm close with my parents
(all three of them!), grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...
and my baby bro, Steve. My sister, Jill, is now deceased.
You can see a memorial to her here, if you'd like.

Hubby, Glenn, is a great father, provider and partner! He and I have a wonderful marriage: We respect each other greatly and each allows the other to have individual ideas, activities, dreams, etc. He's definitely my Soul Mate and I trust him infinitely and unconditionally!

Love of my Life

We own our home (and our own businesses) in Indiana.
We spend a lot of time together.. .and enjoy every minute of it.

Our kids are in high school now. They are both beautiful, intelligent, talented; each has their own special sense of humor, healthy tempers and lots of compassion, I'm proud to say!

We share our home a very spoiled dog named Travis
(who thinks he's human).


© 1998-2010, Julie Remke. All Rights Reserved. All text, graphics, HTML and contents of this website
are protected by US and International copyright laws and may not be reproduced or distributed
in any manner without the explicit permission of Julie Remke.