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 Jeffrey, Kenneth, Sean & Thomas @ Universal Studio, Jul/2002


Jeffrey is still working very hard everyday.  7 days a week, days and nights.  We hardly see Jeffrey before 8:00pm every day.  Several times, he worked until 5am, and came home to get the boys ready for school, then back to work again.  I started wondering if it’s me, or the housework he didn’t enjoy… 


Jeffrey is the perfect example for husbands whose wives are always On Diet:

·         The husband would lose weight while his wife is on diet and the wife DOES NOT cook much, or

·         The husband would gain all the weight the wife looses if the wife DOES cook a lot and forces the husband to finish all the food


Jeffrey lost a lot of weight too, (he is wearing size 29 jean, How Disgusting!!) due to his abusive wife and abusive boss.


 Their software group just got a 50% cut this month (after a 20% cut in Nov)!  Future of his company?  (ASML)  The whole department might be closed next spring, 2003.  After that?  Join the unemployment force, thanks to the smartest president in the American history – Mr. Bush (want to get jokes about Bush, let me know, I will be so happy to share those jokes with you!), and get $350 a week.  Hmmm, may be we should go travel…


Jeffrey replaced 3 garage door openers, automatic sprinkle system controller, and other things this year.  More weekend projects have been assigned (for next 10 years) to this guy by his CEO/CFO/CTO of The Lees – me. 


Jeffrey continues to loose his hair.  One evening, he was saying that he was getting more gray hair, so I told him, “Hey, for your condition, you should be VERY HAPPY you still have hair!“