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Thomas, Dec/2002


Thomas is a 1st grader now. 


His legs are getting longer; his body is sure not from Mom’s side of the family!  Thomas is tall and skinny, just like his dear Grandmother! 


Thomas is 6 years old, but hasn’t loss any of his baby teeth yet.  However, Thomas enjoys taking his brothers’ teeth and putting them under his own pillow to fool the Tooth Fairy.  The Tooth Fairy has been very generous to all of the boys so far! 


According to Ms. Roberts, Thomas is VERY INDEPENDENT, and he works VERY QUICKLY and NICELY.  As for being the baby in the family?  Hmmmmm…  Every morning, except Saturday and Sunday (when the boys wake up all by themselves very early, and WHY????), MOM takes a clean shirt, puts over his head, places his jeans and socks next to him, PULLs him up from bed, and rushes him to the bathroom…  He might sleep on the bathroom floor if the light was not on…


Thomas is a member of our drawing team.  We draw a lot lately. 


Thomas loves to dance and sing.  Back Street Boys and Riche Yen are his super heroes.  The boys went to Riche Yen’s council this fall!