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2003 Spring Break - Death Valley, CA site site

~~ view from Beaty entrance ~~

~~ view from Natural Bridge ~~

Tehachapi, CA
AirPlane Parkinglot @ Mojave, CA
Kenneth @ the new GrandCanyon Store
next to Coke and M&M stores, Las Vegas
Sean & Thomas @ the GrandCanyon store
Boys @ the Coke store
NewYork NewYork
Nellis Air Force Range near Las Vegas.
See the airplane?
Death Valley, Beaty Entrance
Jeffrey & Louise
Death Valley, Beaty Entrance
The boys did some hiking…
Yes, the white dots are the boys!
Sean @ the Sand Dunes
Kenneth & Thomas
Louise & Jeffrey with Thomas’ socks
Thomas is digging in the big sand box
Sand Dunes
Thomas is still digging…
Salt Creek – dried creek with lots of salt
Devil’s Corn Field
Mustard Canyon
Harmony Borax Works
Furnance Creek Inn…WOW!!
Salt Creek
Devil’s Golf Course
Bad Water, Bad Water, There is NO WATER.
WRONG! Bad Water does have water…
very salty, and lots of black bugs…
Bad Water
The lowest point in US – Bad Water (-282 ft)
And, the highest point in US – Mt Whitney (14000+ ft)
wild flowers @ Natural Bridge
water fall @ Natural Bridge
Thomas calls this Elephant rock
lizer @ Natural Bridge
wild flower @ Natural Bridge
Jeffrey @ Natural Bridge Tail head
Artist Palette @ Artist Drive
Kenneth & Thomas @ Aladdin