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Fx Epsiode Reviews

Requiem for a cop

I just saw the season premiere and it was great! I take back all of my nervousness about Jackie Torres: She's good. It was great to finally meet Francis' wife, now we have to meet his Daughters(Payback). I don't know abvout anyone else but I had tears in my eyes at Leo's funeral. I am really going to miss him.:-( I am a little disappointed in the new theme and opening montage but it's nice to see CC get second billing. I really hope Lucinda appears at some time this year but if she doesn't I want an explanation for her absence. I hope Colleen makes another appearance. So far I'm undecided about Mira but I think she will turn out to be much loved by all. -Derrick
I am astounded that Kevin Dobson didn't even merit a credit in the opening sequence. I think he should have received a "Special Guest Star" credit rather than being splashed over the closing credits like he was an extra! It was nice to see some character development for Francis. I hope his part doesn't dwindle now that Leo's gone. At least he's still in the credits. I would have liked to see more of the funeral and especially, how it affected Colleen. Maybe this is upcoming in a future episode? It was nice to learn Colleen's last name (O'Malley). In the credits, though, a Jerry O'Malley was also listed. Who is he? I absolutely hated the new female cop at the beginning of the episode, but that's because you're supposed to. :-) The writer did a good job of setting her up as a contrast to "our heroes." She does kind of grow on you, although I'm reserving final judgement until I've seen a few more episodes. Same for the openting montage. Parts of it are really good, parts are just a little too avant-garde for me. Despite all the changes, though, it's still FX, and I am eagerly looking forward to every new episode! -Alana

Well , let us just say that the season primere is...different . The beggining , the explosion , was a great special effect , ( no pun intended ) as it should be : when they were shooting it the explosion broke a window in a TD bank a block away . I thought the theme music was okay , but it'll probably take some getting used to . The....uh...." jist " of the show , the flavor , was a little odd though ; one minute Rollie's crying and the next he's sneaking into the police department , or running away from the cops , that sort of thing . I did like that we got to meet Franks wife ; although the way she greeted Rollie in the stairway I thought mabey they were having an affair . And Angie had such a small role in this episode - I was dissapointed at that . I also noticed that Carrie - Ann Moss is no longer in the opening credits . To bad , she was one of my favriots . That new cop pissed me off too - but yea , you're right , Alana , she was probably supposed to be like that . Oh well , mabey all of the changes will make it better , not just different . ( let's pray...) Oh , but I did approve of Rollies new look......I think it's kind of attractive . * she grins wickedly * ;-) -Heather

Yes! I finally got to watch Requiem For A Cop late last night. I have to say I liked the episode! I will miss Leo. :-( But I thought Ms. Torres did a very good job. As to Rollie crying one minute then spending all that time breaking into police hq and dodging cops. Well, he WAS doing the last thing he could for his best mate - clearing his and his partner's name. (And probably suppressing his reaction to Leo's death in the process. I kinda suspect there will be some fallout from this.) I think Sarah was just glad to see a "friendly" face when she saw Rollie, not having an affair. :-) It was good getting to "meet" her and I liked Francis' role in this one. I also think Angie had a fair amount to do in this episode. (Yes, it was more than she had in some of the first season episodes. She wasn't even IN one of the first season episodes.) Not as much as some would like I'm sure, but she did have a substantial impact on the story. And it looks like a bigger role in next week's episode. Somehow, I don't see her just being a "damsel in distress" either. :-) I also like the fact Captain Vanduran is firmly behind Rollie and company in this one. Looks like HE's finally convinced! Yes, the Rollie is framed again syndrome is in full effect. Actually, a continuation of what started the movies. :-) At least this time, the Feds weren't involved. And he had company! Hopefully, this got it out of the "powers that be" systems and we won't see it again this season. But who knows? For someone with a father like his, Rollie "falls" so easily. :-) -Peggy

After watching the first 3 episodes of the second season I have a few comments.
1. I MISS LEO!!!!! The easy friendship that existed between Leo and Rollie was perfect. So far we have not seen any hint of such an easy friendship between Rollie and Mira. Their friendship still seems strained at times, especially when Francis is not with them.
2. Where's Angie? Siege seemed like an episode with a lot of Angie but it wasn't. Angie has been given second billing in the opening credits this year but VanDuren has seen just as much screen time, if not more. If Angie does develop a relationship with the bank teller from Siege I hope it works well and causes no conflicts with other characters. The other 2 episodes this year have had angie in merely a peripheral role, not the central role she deserves.
3. Mira. She is a great character but she always seems to be tense. Jacqueline Torres has had a very hard job trying to take Leo's place and she has done it very well so far but there is still a hint of conflict left over between her and Rollie. I hope her character is more chance to loosen up in future episodes.
4. What happened to Lucinda? We had a reason for Leo leaving, but we have no idea what happened to Lucinda. This is a major oversight because she was a major part of the show last year and it is unfair to just ignore the fact that she is gone. Carrie-Anne Moss is a great actor and I hope she returns to FX in the near future. -Derrick

Deep Cover

Wow! Cool episode. Looks like Loubar is going to be Rollie's nemesis. Few questions, I think Cerrano is part of the FBI. Wouldn't the CIA be the ones handling that sort of case? Question two... Was it me or was that a bra on Rollie's bed when Elena first came in. Go Rollie! And for the millionth time put some spice in Angie's life! I'm finally going to get my butt in gear and finish up my site. I swear it will be ready by this coming weekend with stills from each episode of this season. That's it from my end except I've never seen a man look better than Rollie in t-shirt and jeans. Sigh. -Mara

House of Horrors

My vote for House of Horrors? I LOVED it. It was marvelous -- tension-packed, exciting, full of suspense. Top-notch writing and acting. And just in time for Halloween. :-) (Is Halloween celebrated in Canada?) Yes, I will agree, that the villains were easy to spot, but that adds to the suspense, as you know Rollie, Angie and crew are going to be placed into danger. I knew Rollie wasn't going to die, of course, but I was still literally biting my fingernails as he was fighting for his life. I will even admit to talking to the television. ("Look out, Rollie!") :-) That's what makes it so enjoyable, when it crosses the boundaries of fiction and becomes *real* to the viewer. Of course, now having said how much I enjoyed the episode, I have to be contrary and talk about the part of it that annoyed me -- the parts designed for the average 13-year-old male. There was a blatant over-use of sex appeal that would have been really annoying had the rest of the episode not been so fun to watch. I lost some respect for Rollie's character when he regressed into a drooling teenager. And there were far too many "looking down at the assets of the guest star" shots. At times during the episode it felt like a cheap ratings gimmick -- "Let's get a supermodel, put her in scanty clothing and shoot her from above. The ratings will soar!" (On a related note, anybody notice how Angie's clothing has gotten shorter this season, as well?) Minor quibbling aside, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Both Rollie and Angie had good stuff. Cameron Daddo was very realistic (I thought) towards the second half -- I almost believed he war ready to drop over dead. :-) (And he does a *great* Sean Connery). Angie's character is really evolving, if slowly. She was marvelously jealous, in such subtle ways. (Excellent job with facial expressions, Christina Cox.) I loved the way she rushed to Rollie's defense, with no thought of her own safety, physically tackling the bad guy and hanging off the ledge. (Of course, then she got some camera angles of her own. Why does she always wear those overalls anyway?) I think it was a good idea to leave Mira out of the last couple of epidsodes -- it didn't feel so much like the character was being forced on us. It felt almost natural for Rollie to call her for help, although I couldn't help picture what Leo would have thought about the "haunted house." :-) (OK, I'm clinging to the memory of Leo. I'm not ready to let him go yet!) All things told, this is by far my favorite episode of the new season. -Alana

Shooting Mickey

Shooting Mickey is the best episode so far this season. I am glad Angie is finally getting the screen time she deserves, not to mention action. CC must have had a blast making this one. I think she posted a plea for more action on the old forum and she got her wish. Rollie was definitely more relaxed and playful than we have seen him since Leo's death. I hope they mention this film again as it seems interesting. Does anyone else think the picture at the end infringes on my story? If someone at Rysher did steal it(an incredibly remote possibility) I don't mind at all. I quite liked Rollie's blue suit;-) I hope he never wears it again. Does anyone know where he "went" at the end? -Derrick


Ritual was not one of the best episode's this season but it was an interesting one. What made it interesting, in my opionon, was learning a little more about Rollie's past. In last season episode "Dingo" me meet Rollie's father. In this episode we meet Rollie's spiritual father. We also meet Rollie's long lost enemey (who at time's looked so much like Rollie I thought it was going to turn out that he was Rollie's twin brother) and we learned that Rollie's mother was dead and Rollie still hasn't gotten over it. The thing I didn't like about this episode was the fight at the end of the episode. There were parts of it that just didn't seem belivable. --Megan


I thought this episode was very good and very hiralous (sp?). But there did seem like there were some things that could have used a bit more explaining. Like the guy who ran the roadblock and seemed like he was a resisdense (sp?)of the town, then turned up at the end as one of the bad guys. Was he surrposed to go where Hill was and foul the '70's flashback or what?
And the guy carrying the boombox. My mom said that she didn't even see any boomboxs till sometime in the '80's.
I could be wrong but I think some of the "Zero Hour" set was used in this episode. When Rollie and Mira went to talk Luce into helping them, they came out of studio "Q", and the car sitting there looked like the car Rick used in "Zero Hour".
I didn't really make this connection at first, but when my mom said somthing I realized Rollie had those buck teeth on again (He had them on in "Unfinished Business"). I've got to admitt I don't like when he has those on, I don't know why though.
Besides the minor flaws (I guess every episode and show has them) "FLashback" was an excellent episode.
