Welcome to my little space on the net.

Sami Facts

Fact #1: My real name is Sheila...
Fact #2: Age 27...current mental age varies with weather
Fact #3: Indiana resident...but not an IU fan...Go WILDCATS
Fact #4: Nurse....Please see SEX page for follow-up
Fact #5: Married to the Turtle
Fact #6: Yes...They allow me to have kids...Two in fact...Seth and Shelby

Philosophy of Life

L'amour est la force majeur du monde, et je ne veut pas donne qu'a celui que j'aime'

Ok...so your still with me....let me lead you toward the good stuff....here you will find a link to some homepages of people. Then there's everyone's personal favorite...My Sex page...enjoy and learn.