Sheila's Sex Stuff

Did someone say sex???

I am a family planning my first priority is safer sex. But I am also a person who believes that sex is wonderful and we should enjoy it as much as humanly possible. There will be no preaching know what you should and should not be doing...but the links I am giving you may answer some questions you might have...Remember..there is no such thing as a stupid question....just naive people. Some of the links are just for fun...and who knows you might find something here that will open your eyes and free your mind.

Pick your pleasure!!

Viva La Difference

The Art of Head..

The Art of Cunnilingus

Actual dumb things said during sex!!!

The purity test for non-virgins

Fredericks Of Hollywood

Erotic Massage.....MMMmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

Condoms and More

Sensual Celebrations

The Body

Planned Parenthood webpage

My favorite site on methods of birthcontrol

Safer Sex

This is my kind of society!!!!

Choice Abortion links

Emergency Contraception!!!!