Melinda's Place
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Welcome to Melinda's Place!
The only constant thing in the universe is change...and this page reflects it : )
Here is a little about me : )

Passions and Interests


    Family and spirituality are, by far,
    the most important things in my life.
    My lifelong search for a spiritual connection
    has taken me through many twists and turns...
    ( and more than a few briar bushes) lol
    And now the Magick has found me....
    It is more than what I is who I am.


    • FAMILY ~
    • Here's a pic of my kids Dustin and Nicole...
      Both are living away from home now : ) awww lol

      I study astrology and have found it a very useful key to knowing
      myself, and others a little better. I like to learn what makes other
      people tick. Although I'm not a professional astrologer,
      I do natal charts for free if anyone is interested
      in exploring this for fun .


    • MUSIC ~
      I love all kinds of music, but especially love
      Classic Rock , HipHop, Hindu, Alternative rock,
      New Age, Celtic, Middle Eastern, folk, Classical, Drumming,
      and Blues...(Love the Blues...and AC/DC...oh yeaaah)
      Crank it up!
      Ya know, there are some
      songs that just plain give me goosebumps lol

      I am passionate about my flower and herb garden
      and find it a very healing place for me.
      Ahhhh......simple pleasures : )

      I have a very deep reverence, respect,
      and awe of nature,
      and this is how I connect spiritually.
      My favorite place to watch the sunset is on the beach,
      by the lighthouse at St. Joe, Michigan.
      It feels like eternity there, where Earth and sky become one.

      *** Love those practical jokes !! (I'm usually up to something >: ) )
      I try to keep a sense of humor about life and am known for
      my LAUGH (and slightly ?? sick sense of humor)
      for some odd reason ~ ; )


    • ANIMALS ~
      I'm a big animal lover, especially dogs and horses.
      I love to ride and hope (plan) to have horses again someday.
      This is my buddie "Scooter"... what a character he is!
      He's always peeking in the bathroom window....what a sick puppy! lol

      (Caught in the act!!)


    • POETRY ~
      I write a little POETRY and love reading Anything from the Heart : )


    Check these out : )

    Spiral Goddess
    The Flower of Life Research
    Visions and Wisdom
    Astronomy Picture of the Day
    Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary

    Try VCBC!

    Visit my friends at :

    Frodo's Hobbithole

    "To see a world in a grain of sand,
    And a heaven in a wildflower,
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour"...
    William Blake

    You are invited to sign my Guestbook Here : ) Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook(But only if you sign it first) hehe

    Your's Truly :) ----->
    (HEY! Those zucchinis were for dinner, lol >:) )
    Shame on you!

    Email: Melinda

    The "End"