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Isn't this page perfect? It's as if it was created just for me (ego talking...ignore me) I found it while performing just ONE of my favorite pasttimes which is websurfing for treasures. I decided about 4 years ago to learn html and try to piece together enough of it to steal just a teensy corner of the web to play on...and so
Sno's Escape began to appear...

Those of you who know me from next door or from the internet KNOW how shy I can be   but I thought I'd take up a bit of space to tell you a few well-known and not so well-known facts about 'IvorySno' ...but were afraid to ask

Ok, let's get the details out of the way...

Born: August 12th, 1964
It was a good year and yes, Im a Leo

Where: New Haven, Connecticut
Sorry tho, I AM Canadian eh!

Current Location: Victoria, British Columbia
(Please forward all "wicked witch of the west" remarks to the militiary, they're responsible...oh ya, and eat your heart out hehe)

Parents: Grant & Vicki
(Don't blame them, they did their

Siblings: 4 of the 'male' version
Michael, Dean, Allan and Scott
One sister..Angelique angel in heaven
taken from us Oct. 13th, 1961

Married: at this point, only once hehe
September 10th, 1982
Husband: Jeff
A true gem and perfect partner
(NO doubt due in large part to the
female influences in his life)

Offspring: 3 and AGAIN..'male' version
Curtis 17, Justin 14, Taylor 5
We stopped at 3 because we didn't want 4..

Edumacation: hookd on foniks workkd fur me.
St. Margaret's, Moose Jaw, SK 1970-77
John Martin J.H.,Dartmouth, NS 1977-79
Widdifield High, NorthBay, Ont 1980-82

Computer Training: training?? huh???
Attended the School of
"trial & 40,000 errors" 1996-98
"oh look! push that and this works!" 1998-2000
"gotta have,need,want THIS!" 2000-present







The amazing images on this page created by..

"Butterfly Kisses"

MOST people are not going to stop and download a font to view your page but I always offer them so if you'd like a few of my favourites, download this font zip and install them through 'control panel/fonts'