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Bars, Balls & Ani-Gifs

To 'borrow' the images, (in Netscape or Internet Explorer) right click your mouse on the background you'd like or for MacIntosh users (hold down the mouse on the image) and select 'save image as...' from the menu.

These are just a few of the trinkets my mouse has been packing away into my folders over the years. Computers are only getting faster and pages are loading quicker, which is only great news for those of us who love "graphic-intense" pages hehe

If any of these graphics are yours or copyrighted, just send me an email and I'll remove them and/or give due credit...they are some of my fav's.

Anyway....Help Yourself and Enjoy!
(just dont forget to leave a quarter on my desktop as you leave...hehe ;)

Trinkets & other stuff
just a handfull of the ones I liked...

Line Dividers