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~ Welcome To My Photo Album ~

Snowwy's Family

Just to tell you a little bit about me and mine....
My name is Cindy and Im a computer addict
(took me 2 years to say that without a stutter)
I'm married 19 years to a prince of a husband, Jeff
(well! he's watching ya know.....sheesh)
We have three sons, Curtis(17) Justin(14) and Taylor(5)
All brilliant, handsome, intelligent and well-mannered!
(oops,no...that was from my xmas list last year)
ok ok...but they ARE handsome :)

We now reside in Victoria, B.C. ...Home of the black & white whales.
B.C. also happens to stand for 'bring cash' and they're NOT kidding lol
(someone should've told them we didnt have any tho!!)
too late, we're here now......must be the man's fault!!
(oh stop rolling your eyes, he's used to it by now....)

Well ok, enough of the chitchat....ON WITH THE PICTURES!!
I'll add commentary as I go,but those of you who KNOW me, know I will

house in Victoria

Our New Home

"Con Te Partiro" by Andre Bocelli

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