Parker City
April 2014 Events and Happenings

And Another House in Trouble

Gas Company Requested a Sewer Washout (after a 2 inch rain???.)

Chasing a gas like smell in a sewer.

Saturday Mid 70s and Work to be Done.

New shingles and grounds work at the ball park.

As the Annual Easter Egg was Taking Place.

Evening Ended Windy on a Sad but Happy Note.

Franklin and Washington. Residents unhurt but lost their home.

Flames 30 feet high at times.

Family Pet was Unaccounted For

But was found after fire was contained, under a bed and collapsed ceiling.
A cheer and applause went up when he was brought out wet, dirty but unhurt.

Matt Has the Answer to a Time Consuming Chore.

Let the games begin.

And Sure Beats Raking and Mulching Springtime Catalpa Debris Too.

I think the slide is going to get a paint job real soon.

And The Games are About to Begin on the West Side of the Park Also.

"Houston we have a Problem"

Could be one of the reasons cities and towns have livestock ordinances.
Biking, jogging, walking your toddlers, pushing them in buggies, pulling in wagons etc.
near this "left behind" on wet pavement as this object begins to dissolve and blend with street moisture
is sure to leave E-Coli all over your shoes, wheels etc. to take home to your carpet and hands as you remove
shoes or put away equipment.
Warm dry days, not a problem with shoes or equipment (unless you werent watching where you were going.)
Would probably be noticable however, if it was in front of your house or stuck on your tires
when you pulled into your garage.
Why did this have to be the clearest picture I've taken lately?)
