Parker City
February 2014 Events and Happenings

1st Robin (for me) but not good news.

I've heard they are all over. I did hear one but was looking at a tree toward the sun.
I want to see a live one.
Maybe we need to research favorite seed of the robin since worms are not an option right now.

5th Main Break

And another cut-out-a-hub job and piece in. These take longer and that makes 3 out of 5 now.

Frost line 22 inches deep always makes digging more difficult also.

Streets are Visible again.

4th Main Break

Temperature around 50 made it nicer.

Another cut-out-a-hub and piece in.

Couple days you'll never know whe were here.

Hazy Blue Frosty Morning Ocean-Like View

And in Town

A Little More Snow Just Keeps Piling On.

All is normal again...for how long?

3rd Main break 4am and a little chilly.

When the wheels fall off in the middle of the street
what does Jimmy do?

Fixes it on the spot.

2 months of plowing and carrying heavy load of sand and salt finally stripped off the lug bolts.
For us somewhat mechanically ignorant its a big job, for Jimmy, just routine.
(He really didn't want to have a "large" wrecker called in with the "large" charge that comes with it.)

And it starts again.

Maybe 12 inches coming this time they say. (actually 6 to 7.)