Parker City
January 2015
Events and Happenings

January out Like a Lamb.

2nd Largest Snow Event so far.

Lookin Even Better

Clear calm frosty morning.

2 degree start.

And those warm liquids

coming from your house creates quite a fog when sprayed into the cold air.

Sure beats the last summer picture of this sign.

4 inch snow still hangin around.

Couple dozen homes southwest of town

lost their internet from the tower.
Dont think I'll complain about winter water main breaks any more.

December out like a lamb

January in like a lion.
Windy 4 degree high for the day.

32 and Third St.


Air Lift was requested

Broke out the plows

4.5 inches.

But some melting by 2pm.

The upper lights of the tree came off easier this way.

And you get better signal up here too.