Parker City
July 2014
Events and Happenings
MC Football Season Around the Corner
Park shelter house used for sorting, cleaning and passing out uniforms.
They are at it again.
Oliphants residence.
Thompson Group
Annual Pluto Challenge a Success.
Thursday 11:30pm inside a triangle. -- An hour later already showing a little movement to the right.
Not because of it's motion but our inside faster orbit as we pass Pluto on it's outside, larger and slower orbit.
Saturday night Pluto should be in the yellow circle.
Saturday midnight the triangle is now empty and Pluto is "yep" now there.
Sky permitting, just might have to find it again Monday night, should be in between the 2 stars under the bright one.
Never gets tiring finding Pluto.
Monday night
Was in the circle Saturday, and between the 2 stars tonight.
Parker First Responders New Vehicle
being shown at the Town Board Meeting.
These guys really "Knocked The Socks Off"
Clear Lake, IN on 4th of July.
Mother Nature can knock your socks off also and on a daily basis, if you only slow down and pay attention.
She had a good teacher.