Parker City
November 2013 Events & Happenings

Day of Recognition and Appreciation

November 11

Better Use This Last Few Days

to get the final raking done.

And Monte just under the wire, and even eaves troughs.

A Day on the Highway

Getting some of that Black Friday shopping money for the food drive.

And Downtown Christmas Decorations go up.

Not a bad day for either project, sunny and calm.

And they Work

Just need some snow now - just kidding.

Considering the Tornado Outbreak weekend, we got lucky. The Wind we got, still lucky.

This is all I could find.

The 2 inches + rainfall that came with it however

sure screwed up meter reading week.

Annual Tower Inspection

Brian suits up, tool belts up and safety harnesses up and climbs - up.

This tells me

daytime temps havent risen above freezing for at least the 48 hours since the 1 inch snowfall.


but I was ready.

Wonder if

this was as close as it appears.

Rather be removing fallen leaves than fallen snow.

And There are Many

Sewage Plant work is done.

Looks better without the black mess.

And treatment operations will be more efficient with the new grinder pumps.
And there is a lot of stuff to grind at the sewage plant.
(How many of you noticed the gentleman painting?)

Always Fun to Watch the First Day Action

when a new stop sign goes up where one has never been.
"Look who is trying to hide behind the trash tote."

On arrival at work one morning
I noticed one of the downtown electric poles was black.

Finally realized the water tower shadow was on it, and the building.

Anyone notice about a "million" small flags north side of the highway
city limits to city limits and east?

The side ditch is already full of buried stuff.

Its starts getting scary when

the markings are mixed with the blue ones.
AT&T laying a larger fiber optic line from the cell tower east of town to west of Selma.
Its been a cold wet job in the side ditch so far.

One of our spookiest visitors.

When switching to another well

one must flush it completely or you will get this in your evening glass of water.