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a live peniel picture at Lexington

a picture of peniel laughing

a great shot of peniel

a picture of peniel where Jon really looks good in his shades

a picture of us on our banner

a picture of peniel acting like they are cool

Noah making a very important shot

Jon,the stud ,examining his shot

The guys in the studio

Brent showing off a Les Paul

The guys relaxing while Brandon is in the booth

a take of tears of pain

Brandon in the booth

A pic of Brandon

another pic of Brandon

comm'on,who's website is this!


Brandon's drumset all miked up

a picture of Peniel at jammin for Jesus

Brandon at jammin for Jesus

Jon and Brent

Brandon at Upper Sandusky's 5th quarter

Noah jumping

Peniel at Mohawk High School

Peniel at jammin' for Jesus

Brandon at jammin for Jesus

jammin' for Jesus

jammin' for Jesus

Jon at Upper Sandusky's 5th quarter