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You may have just stumbled upon this page or maybe you were just curious as to what my opinion is on God. Well, I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. When Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven, he left his Holy Spirit here on Earth to help us through the day. Without Christ, our lives are basically meaningless. Just like if sleep didn't do anything for us, it would be meaningless; however, when we sleep our body gets rest (so sleep is profitable). In the same way, life without God is meaningless; but, life with God is the greatest gift anyone could receive!
I believe that in order to go to Heaven, you must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and rose 3 days later. Jesus Christ is the true Messiah and he lived a totally sin-free life. When he ascended into Heaven, he left the Holy Spirit behind to help us through everything. Also, you must believe that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are all the same thing. A good analogy is H2O. H2O can be presented as a liquid (water), a solid (ice) and a steam (water vapor). If you believe this way, then please pray the following prayer with me. Then contact a local church, and tell them of your decision.

Dear Lord,
I know that I am a sinner. I believe that your blood can cover all my sins, and that you will present me as holy and blameless in front of our father. I believe that your Holy Spirit stayed here on Earth even after your ascension into Heaven. I pray that you will come into my heart and live with me. I want to live my life holy and pleasing unto you dear God. If I am doing something that really hurts you, just please let the Holy Spirit convict me of it so that I can pray and make things right. I thank you for saving me. I thank you that your Holy Spirit is living inside of me. I just ask the Holy Spirit to guide my words and my actions.
In Jesus' Name,