Women Unite! an umbrella group of Asian women’s organisations and many
individuals in Britain are mobilising protest against the war under the banner
of Asian Women United Against the War.
We are women who have been at the forefront of fighting domestic violence,
women engaged in struggles against racism, women from anti-imperialist
organisations, women artists, writers and trade unionists.
are determined to be a strong and
visible presence in these protests because:
Women’s voices have been silenced in all
the rhetoric around the war
This war has hit women hardest - the
majority of refugees and victims of the bombing in Afghanistan are women and
This war will have a devastating impact on
all our countries of origin in South Asia, further strengthening forces which
are oppressive of women
All of us as Asian women in Britain are
potentially under threat with the rise in racist attacks and anti-Muslim racism
much of which specifically targets women
The media has portrayed all opposition to
the war among Asians as coming from ‘fanatical’ supporters of the Taliban. As
Asian women we must assert our position. We stand against American attacks on
the people of Afghanistan and other countries
and we oppose the Taliban.
in the name of our rights!
Bush and Blair have
hypocritically claimed that their military attacks on Afghanistan will relieve
its people - especially its oppressed women. In reality, the US and Britain
have ignored the appalling status of the vast majority of Afghanistan's women
during the conflicts and civil wars of the last twenty years or so, which are a
direct result of earlier western interventions. At the same time some of the US government’s
closest allies have a shameful record
of oppressing and persecuting women. But women’s status in these countries is
ignored because their governments are serving US interests.
Under the Saudi interpretation of Muslim law, women can be beheaded and lashed
for a range of sexual "crimes", their mobility is severely
restricted, and they remain utterly excluded from the political process.
Pakistani women know only too well the impact of being a US frontline ally.
General Zia ul-Haq’s programme of "Islamisation" in 1978 set up new
moral codes under which women were regarded as the root cause of social
disorder. The notorious Zina Ordinance of 1979 - under which rape is seen as
fornication, so that raped women can be prosecuted for committing a sexual
crime -- still stands today. Sex outside marriage is a penal offence liable to
severe punishment including stoning to death and lashing.
- Tunisia, a partner in the longest
unbroken treaty relationship with the US, boasts a family code that regards
women as legal minors. Tunisian women do not have the right to marry without a
male guardian’s permission, while courts can order police to forcibly return a
"disobedient" wife to her husband -even if she left him to escape
domestic violence.
- Turkey, whose commandos are joining
US marines on the ground in Afghanistan, has a Penal Code which gives virtual
impunity for so-called "honour killings" of female relatives and the
notorious and degrading "virginity tests" have been reintroduced for
girls studying in medical high schools.
And of course
the persecution and oppression of women is not confined to Muslim majority
countries. In India, the so-called ‘dowry deaths’ are everyday occurrences and
so are rapes and murders of women by the forces of the law. Today women’s
rights are further under attack from the Hindu fascist forces currently in
In the US itself as we have noted human rights abuses
continue unabated. In fact America is one of the few countries which has
stubbornly refused to sign every international human rights agreement.
For us as women of South Asian origin, the cynical use
of women’s status to justify colonial and neo-colonial policies and whip up
racism is nothing new. It has its roots in Orientalism which created the
original image of the ‘Eastern’ woman - the ‘forbidden fruit’ who had to be
liberated from her oppressive and brutal man.
While the West portrays the Northern Alliance as
liberals where women’s rights are concerned, ‘liberating’ women (under the
guidance of the Allied forces) from the oppressive strictures of the Taliban,
we must remember the reality: When the
NA forces captured Kabul in 1992 they subjected thousands of women to rapes,
abductions and forcible ‘marriages’. Most Northern Alliance fighters come from
mujahideen groups which fought the 1979-89 Soviet occupation with billions of
dollars worth of arms and ammunition pumped in by the CIA via Pakistan. As the
Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) points out, “the
mujahideen's Islam was a penal code of severe strictures, robbed of culture,
compassion and even mysticism. They paved the way for the Taliban
ideologically, socially and politically."
Racism intensifies
of us as Asian women in Britain are potentially under threat with the rise in
racist attacks and anti-Muslim racism much of which specifically targets women. The ideology of a ‘clash of civilizations' which has been used to
justify US foreign policy since the early 1990s has directly affected our lives
in Britain. It has fed into the racism experienced by people in working class
Asian communities in Britain, with Muslims increasingly demonized as fanatical
and violent over the last decade. As a result, as people of Asian and other
Third World origin we are all today under threat more than ever. Already in the
wake of September 11th an Afghan taxi driver has been left paralyzed from the
neck down in West London while a 19 year old Asian woman was hit repeatedly on
the head with a baseball bat in Swindon. Many more such racist attacks have
gone unreported. We cannot remain silent - we must come together to resist
these attacks.
Are we all terrorists now?
Blair has fascistically overridden parliament and all the structures of
democratic accountability in committing Britain to the war. Now the ‘war
against terrorism’ is being used as a pretext
to bring in a new ‘emergency’ anti-terrorism bill, which will take away
the freedoms which we have won after long hard struggles. It will mean that
people can be incarcerated indefinitely without trial - similar legislation in the
US will even allow people to be sentenced to death without a trial. And as in
America, this will be applicable only to foreigners - British citizens will be
exempt. In order to bring in the new
legislation, the British government is opting out of one of the fundamental
provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights - the prohibition on
arbitrary detention. It is the only one of 40 or so governments signed up to
the convention to do this. Under the new powers, the Home Secretary will have
the power to imprison a person indefinitely on the basis of suspicion: not of
crimes already committed, but of what they might do. A major target of the
legislation will be asylum seekers: in a culmination of a whole series of
draconian laws which have sought to
portray refugees from repressive regimes as terrorists and criminals,
information provided by the very governments they have fled will be used to
detain them in Britain. They will automatically lose the right to pursue
applications for asylum. It is feared that, as is already happening in the US,
those arrested will face abusive conditions and their detention kept secret
even from lawyers and relatives.
The use of mass internment as a tool of repression by
the British state is not new: it was used against the nationalist communities
in the North of Ireland in the 1970s and more recently in Britain during the
Gulf War when many Palestinians and others from West Asian countries were
detained. This time the powers are more sweeping than ever before and will potentially
target all Muslims living in Britain who do not have British citizenship.
Meanwhile, a whole range of other repressive measures have been smuggled almost
unnoticed into the bill, intensifying mass surveillance and curtailing freedom of information. To
give just one example, it will become illegal for environmental groups to
inform the public of the routes along which nuclear waste is being transported.
Clearly, the new laws are designed to be used against all forms of popular
resistance and dissent. From now on, we are all potential terrorists.
We must resist US plans to extend this war to other
parts of the world
This war is not about a clash of civilizations. It is
not about the West Vs Islam although that how it is being portrayed. Liberals
who plead for more tolerance of
'non-western values' are missing the point. Bin Laden and the Taliban
are not being targeted because they are Islamic fundamentalists or because they
don't believe in democratic values or even because they are believed to have
committed or supported terrorist acts. Beyond the immediate US imperative to
show that it is retaliating for the September 11 attacks, they are being
attacked because they are seen as threats to the consolidation of US power at a
time when capitalism is in crisis. This is also why countries as diverse as
Egypt and the Philippines and Malaysia are being labelled as part of the
'Islamic' world and threatened that the war may spread to targets within them
Bush's 'war on terrorism' is terrifyingly
open-ended - aimed at no one country, state or organisation. Far from defending
democracy, such a war will spell the death of democracy for all those resisting
repressive regimes, state forces or the interests of global capital. All
resistance to state power will be potentially branded 'terrorist' and a
legitimate target for repression and violence. Let us march together against
the war!
Women Unite! c/o Londec, 299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ, UK