In the wake of India's nuclear weapons tests, South Asia Solidarity Group condemns India's BJP-led government for
- Intensifying the nuclear tension in Asia and exacerbating its already antagonistic relationship with its neighbours Pakistan and China
- Pandering to the most vicious right-wing elements within its fold and displaying a fascistic populism in an attempt to consolidate its position nationally
- Whipping up communal feeling against Pakistan and against India's own Muslim communities through the test and its aftermath
- Callously ignoring the basic needs of India's people and draining yet more scarce resources into a destructive arms race
- Cynically using the tests to pose as anti-imperialist while remaining committed to economic policies which serve the interests of foreign capital at a heavy cost to its own people
We also condemn the United States government for
- Leading the programme of economic sanctions which will hurt the people of India rather than its government (for example stopping Japanese funds for modernising hospitals and fighting polio)
- Imposing sanctions to further the interests of U.S. business (for example blocking the development of India's competetive software industry)
- Hypocritically intervening in a part of the world where earlier U.S. interventions from the 1950s onwards have actively fuelled the arms race in the region
- Imposing a lopsided global 'nuclear disarmament' policy where five of the world's most powerful nations continue to have nuclear weapons
As an organisation representing people of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan origin in Britain, we express our heartfelt support and solidarity with all democratic initiatives by the people of India and Pakistan to stop the escalation of hostilities between the two countries and to work together for a lasting peace in the region.
SASG organised a letter condemning both Indian and Pakistani tests and US-led sanctions, signed by British Members of Parliament and by activists and academics, which was sent to the British and Indian media at the end of May 1998,and is displayed on this page. You are invited to add your signature.Letter to media
South Asia Solidarity Group, c/o Londec, Instrument House, 205-217 King's Cross Road, London WC1X 9DB Tel/Fax: 0171 713 7907/0171 354 8744
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South Asians Against Nukes