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  About Sevalaya

Sevalaya was started in 1988 by two youngmen inspired by the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and Mahakavi Bharathiyar. There were just 5 children and the orphanage was run in a rental premises in Kasuva village.
Over the years, with the support of philanthropic minded public, Sevalaya managed to 1.52 acres of its own land, moved to the new site. At first there were only thatched roof huts in the premises, and the construction started.  At present we have concrete buildings for the class rooms  and there is a separate building for the library and the health center. There are 62 children (boys and girls) now.
Good citizens are essential for the welfare of a nation.  It is the duty of the parents  (and in the case of orphans, it is the duty of the society at large) to bring up the children to become such good citizens. Sevalaya has taken upon itself this role of the society, by providing shelter,love and affection, self-confidence and life-coping education to orphaned children to its best ability. Sevalaya accepts responsibility of supporting these children till they are able to stand on their own legs, and be a productive citizens.