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*Rei is Sailor Mars

**Amy is Sailor Mercury

***Lita is Sailor Jupiter


Kailey opened her eyes and looked around. She was deep into the Nega Verse. She took a step and then another. Suddenly the fear faded away and she felt a strange sensation consume her body. As she walked deeper into the Nega Verse, she saw others trapped inside a deep sleep, eternal sleep. Only a very brave and strong person could ever break the spell. Kailey new she was strong enough, she had to be. Suddenly she froze when she came upon a familiar person. A look of fear was frozen on his face. She walked up to him and touched him genlty. Then there was a blinding light that consumed him. He was lifted into the air and awaken from his sleep. When he landed he looked up at his savior and gasped.

"Princess Nova," he whispered.

"Yes Jedite, it is I. Are you feeling alright?" Kailey asked.

"I am fine," Jedite smiled taking her hand in his.

Kailey laughed suddenly, "Why do you call me Princess Nova? I'm no longer that person."

"But you are," Jedite said. "Here look."

Jedite held up a mirror for her to look in. Kailey was shocked to see a beautiful woman staring back at her. Her long dark hair was neatly arranged on her head, her lips were a fine pink and her eyes sparkled with evil. She touched her cheek softly and looked over at Jedite.

"You are finally back," Jedite whispered.

"But," Nova started.

"Hush Starr," Jedite smiled. "Let us go. We have work to do."

Nova let Jedite lead her even deeper into the Nega Verse. With every step she took, more and more evil consumed her. She felt herself falling into the evil pit that she had once lived in.


Serena and Mina had called and emergancy meeting. Soon Rei, Amy, Lita and Darien joined the other two at Mina's house. Lita was the first to notice that Kailey was gone.

"Where's Kailey?" Lita asked.

"That's the emergancy," Serena shrieked. "She zapped herself to the Nega Verse!"

"What?" the others asked in unison.

"What are we going to do? If they get their hands on her, she'll....." Rei started.

"We have to act fast," Darien quickly said. "I'm sure they already have her in their posession."

"Maybe not," Mina said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"She didn't come to us," Prince Diamond's voice suddenly entered.

The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask turned to face Prince Diamond. He did not look like he was searching for a fight. He did look concerned about Kailey's disapperance.

"Sailor Moon," Prince Diamond said. "You accused me earlier of filling her mind with evil."

"Yeah, so what?" Sailor Moon asked.

"It was not me," Diamond admitted. "But thanks to Rubeas I found out who it was."

"Who?" The Sailor Scouts all asked.

"Sapphire," Diamond said.

"But why him?" Sailor Mars asked.

"She once betrayed him to save Jedite's life. She was in love him, or so she thought. He hated her ever since then. Now he wanted to get his revenge, and what better way...." Diamond started.

"Than to bring back an old enemy!" Sailor Moon screeched.

"That spells trouble," Sailor Jupiter snapped.

"She's right," Sailor Mercury agreed. "We have to find her before....."

"It's too late," Diamond sighed. "She's already freed Jedite and the evil of the Nega Verse has consumed her. She won't remember being Kailey."

"Oh no," Sailor Moon gasped. "What are we going to do?"

"Sailor Moon," Diamond said looking at her with concern. "You're the one who brought her out of her evil the first time. Maybe you can do it again."

"But how?" Sailor Moon asked.

"We have to find her first," Sailor Venus said.

"We won't have to wait very long. Jedite is power crazy, he wants to rule. I'm sure if we just give him enough time...." Diamond started.

"He'll come to us," Tuxedo Mask finished.

Prince Diamond nodded and then turend to walk away. The Scouts stopped him suddenly and demanded to know where he was going.

"Meet me at the top of hill right beside the park. He'll come there soon," Diamon told them and then disappeared.

The Scouts looked at each other and then took a deep breath. It was going to be the most difficult fight yet. How were they going to convice Kailey that she was not evil and did not love Jedite. Sailor Moon was concerned about Prince Diamond's words. What was she going to do to save her friend? It seemd almost impossible.