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Fan fic
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Jedite stepped forward to meet Prince Diamond and the Sailor Scouts. He showed no fear and was ready for anything. He knew his plan would not fail him. He would force Prince Diamond to step down or else.

"Prince Diamond, I see you brought recruits. How nice," Jedite grinned.

"Where is my sister?" Diamond demanded to know.

"She's safe," Jedite grinned agian.

"We've beat you before Jedite!" Sailor Jupitor snapped.

"We can do it again!" Sailor Mars yelled.

"Oh really is that so? Well I have news for you Sailor Scouts!" Jedite hissed. "I have grown more powerful!"

Jedite raised a hand a ball of energy formed in his palm. He shot out his arm so it was rigid and striaght. Then the black energy whirled it's way towards the Scouts and knocked them over. They tumbled and fell until they could gain control of their own bodies. Sailor Mars heard Jedite laughed and leaped up into the air. She flew towards him but another strange shot of energy threw her to the ground.

"Not so fast little Scout," a sinister yet familiar voice hissed.

The Scouts all looked up from where they laid. They saw a tall thin woman floating down from the sky. Her long black dress flowed out from her body and a silken scarf covered her face. When she landed she revealed her dark, evil eyes to them and stood by Jedite with a smile.

"Nova?" Diamond questioned.

"Yes brother," she grinned evilly. "It is I."

"What are you doing with him?" Diamond asked, pointing to Jedite.

"With his help, brother dearest, I will be able to rule the Nega Verse! Just like I should," Nova laughed.

A shot hit Nova in the back and sent her sprawling forward. She land but quickly teleported and turned to face her attacker. She stood there with evil in her eyes but the eyes she saw surprised her. They showed her anger, hate, and even betrayl. The expressions on her face softened when she saw this.

"Stop this foolish talk Nova," Sapphire grinned. "You don't know what you're saying."

"Sapphire!" she hissed.

"Even if you wereto defeat Diamond, you would still have to defeat me to become Queen," Sapphire sneered.

"You under estimate me brother! With the Star Crystal I am invicible!" Nova laughed.

"The Crystal?" Sailor Moon whispered.

"Huh?" Sailor Venus asked.

"Of course!" Sailor Moon said with a sparkle in her eye.

"Of course what?" Sailor Venus asked.

"She thinks it's the crystal and so does Jedite. It's not the crystal that's making her's Jedite!" Sailor Moon gasped.

"No," Diamond whispered. "Not Jedite it was Sapphire's doing. But I see why now. He's going to try to save her. But I don't know why."

The two Sailor Scouts looked at each other and then back to Prince Diamond. He watched his brother closely and was ready to fight. Even if he did not like the idea of fighting Nova, he would if she even tried to hurt him. Then Sapphire made his move he closed in on Nova, but before he hit her, he knocked Jedite down and towards the Scouts. He was their job, his job was to help Nova.

"Let's go Nova!" Sapphire hissed. "Just you and me. No Scouts, no Jedite. Deal?"

"Gladly brother," Nova hissed back.

The fight was on and it seemed as if it would last an entire life time. The Scouts had no trouble fighting Jedite, but Sapphire took his time with Nova. He had to make sure that he did not hurt her. She had to listen to him and he knew how to make her. It was going to be tough but if there was a slight chance, he was going to take it. She had remembered her evil inside of her, now it was time to remember the good too. If she could mix the two together, they would never have to worry about it again. She would be herself, her normal self.