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Sailor Nova?

In this episode, Kailey remembers who she really is and wants to be. She can no longer stand the fighting between the Nega Verse and decides to take matters into her own hands.


Kailey opened her eyes and found herself lying on a bed. She heard some voices in the background and realized where she was. She sat up and rubbed her head slightly. She gazed around and saw the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask sitting around the bed. Serena looked up at her and smiled softly.

"Are you okay? I thought you were going to kill us all!" Serena said.

"Yeah, I think my life flashed before my eyes!" Mina laughed.

"Sorry," Kailey smiled. "I just couldn't control it."

"It's okay," Lita said. "It happens to the best of us."

Kailey smiled at her friends and then joined them in their little circle. Although the fight was over and the threat of the Nega Verse gone for one day, the battle lingered on in Kailey's mind. It was haunting her now, she felt as if she had to do something. She had to make it up to her friends for freeing Jedite. The war between good and evil raged on yet...


"Diamond," Sapphire began. "Why are we staying out of this fight?"

"Because Sapphire, she wants us out of it. She needs to fight this battle with them."

"In other words we lost her. Am I right?" Rubeas asked.

"You be quiet!" Sapphire snarled.

Rubeas only scoffed at Sapphire and kept to himself. He knew she had left them for good. Sooner or later it would come to a battle between them. Good over evil...they would lose as long as they had Princess Nova. It would be up to him to save the Nega Verse and he knew just how to do it.


Kailey had gone home fianlly. She sat down at her desk and began to work on her homework. Thoughts ran through her mind rapidly though. She could not concentrate on what she was doing. She sighed deeply and closed her books. When she turned around to look out the window she gasped. A pair of eyes were staring back at her. She slowly stood up and creeped towards the door. To her surprsie, the man showed himself.

"Please Princess, do not run. I beg of you," Rubeaus cooed.

"Why should I listen to you?" Kailey asked him.

"Because," Rubeas grinned. "After what you did today, I was impressed. You really are a good girl aren't you?"

"What do you want Rubeas?" Kailey asked him.

"Nova," he said softly. "What if you and I were to start our own team? We could battle together...side by side."

"I don't think so," Kailey snapped. "Work with you? Working against my brothers and Jedite? Ha! I can't trust you."

"Of course you can," Rubeas said with an evil grin.

Rubeas walked up closer to Kailey cornering her where she stood. She swallowed deeply and felt her heart begin to pound. Her only hope was if the Sailor Scouts would suddenly appear but she had a feeling that, that was not going to happen.

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