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Part 12

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny" What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if. ~¤§¤~¤§~¤§¤~¤§~¤§¤~¤§~¤§¤~¤§~¤§¤~¤§¤

Ami and Mina entered the library and went to the stacks. Ami had just found the book she needed for her chem project when a boy wearing glasses with thick lenses poked his head in between the shelves.

"Cheery hi there, guys," the boy said.

Mina and Ami jumped. "Hi, Melvin," Ami said trying to return her heartbeat back to normal.

"Hey, Serena, never thought I'd see you here," Melvin said.

"Well, I, um...," Mina stammered, "Ami's helping me study."

"Really? You study? Miss Haruna will never believe this," Melvin exclaimed.

"Leave her alone, dweeb-meister," came a girl's voice on the same side of the stacks as Melvin. "So what if Serena's studying?"

"Hi, Molly," Mina said.

"Serena," Molly said poking her head through the shelving, "Isn't that your cat right there? But what's the white one doing with her?"

"The white one? That's my new cat," Mina said, "His name is Artemis."

"He's adorable," Molly exclaimed.

"Shhh," the librarian shushed as she passed by.

Ami added another book to the stack that she already had in her arms. "This should do it. We need to go to the reading room though cause we can't check this one out."

"Same here," Melvin cutted in, "You coming, Mol?"

"Right behind you," Molly said following right behind him.

"Be right there," Mina said.

A couple minutes later Mina, Ami, Luna, and Artemis went into the reading room.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Ami asked.

"I sense something evil here," Luna said.

"Be careful, you two," Artemis added.

Ami and Mina walked toward the long table and noticed that there were many people sitting at it.

"They're all asleep," Ami said.

Mina saw Molly leaning against Melvin. "Hey, Mol," she said shaking Molly's arm, "Wake up."

"She can't," the librarian hissed, "I drained all their energy and now it's your turn!" It was then that Ami and Mina noticed that the librarian had turn into a monster.

Mina and Ami rolled under the table. "Let's do it to it, Mercury," Mina said.

"You got it, Venus!"

"Mercury Power!"

"Venus Power!"

"Ah, the Sailor Scouts," the librarian said. "It's about time you got here."

"Got here?" Mercury said in puzzlement, "You'll wish that we hadn't in a second. Mercury Bubbles Blast!" A dense fog filled the room.

"Honestly Mercury," came a familiar female voice through the fog, "What is the supposed to do, confuse us?"

"Who's there?" Venus called out, "Show yourself!"

"Fine," the voice siad as a figure began to appear through the mist.

"Serena?" Mercury and Venus gasped in unison.

"I don't know who this Serena is, but allow me to introduce myself. I am Selenite, champion of the Negaverse," she said with a smirk. "Now, that we have that out of the way, hand over the Silver Crystal now, and your little friends won't be hurt."

The librarian held Molly and Melvin in her clutches.

"Mercury, hit it again," Venus called.

"You got it! Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze!" Mercury emitted some icy bubbles the made the librarian first release Molly and Melvin and then encased her as another one trapped Selenite.

Venus then pulled out the Crescent Moon Wand. "Okay, first the librarian," she held up the wand, "Venus Moon Healing Activation!" The librarian was engulfed in the light surging from the crystal and was returned to her true form. "And now for our dear friend Serena......WHAT?"

"Not today," Malachite said, "We've become quite attached to her and we plan on keeping her! But we will be back for the crystal, don't worry about that, we will!" With that Malachite and Selenite vanished.

"Our worst fear has been confirmed," Mercury said.

"They've turned Serena against us," Venus said completing Mercury's sentence.

~End Part 12~

So what do you think? What's up with Selenite & Malachite? And what did he mean "attached to her"? I guess you'll just have to wait and fid out later, won'tcha?

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! I love leaving you guys thinking!!! ^_~

Well, I better fly off to slumber land. Can't you tell that I'm a huge night-owl? Just like Ami. ^_^ Anyways, have fun gang!!!

Email me your comments and ideas PLEASE!!!
