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A New Arrival

Chapter One

Annie Smith

Author's Note : This story is based on the television series "The Young Riders". Created by Ed Spielman, produced by Ogiens/Kane in association with MGM/UA television. It is for entertainment purposes only, no infringement of copyright is intended.

The changes to Sweetwater were amazing. In the short while that they had been gone from the town that they once called home, and were planning to do so once again, the town had grown from a small western town into somewhat of a city.....well almost. But strangely enough Sweetwater had not lost the charm that had made them fall in love with it. It is Lou thought to herself the perfect place to start their new life and raise a family

It had been four years since each of the riders had bid their farewells to one another. Although the war had seem to tear them further apart in the latter months of the express, the memories had remained and will endure throughout the rest of their lives.

Noah's death had brought the reality to Rock Creek and in many ways helped make up the minds of those who couldn't decide which side they were on. In other ways his death had brought friction between them and the only family they ever knew.

Sadly enough Kid and Jimmy had never spoken since the funeral. The last they heard of him he was in Kansas working with fellow abolishonists.

Cody wrote frequently in his first few months away from Rock Creek, but as the war went into full speed his efforts seemed to die.

Buck didn't have much interest in fighting in the war, and in turn helped act as a mediator between the Army and tribes to handle indian affairs.

Teaspoon left soon after the demise of the Pony Express and went down to defend his home territory, Texas. After nearly loosing his leg in battle, Teaspoon was discharged from the Confederacy and returned back to Rock Creek where Rachel helped tend to him as he healed.

Kid stood with and stared in a daze at the old two story house."Well, here we are...home sweet home."

He brushed the trail dust off of his clothing and wiped the sweat off of his brow. "Here let me help you down." He said as he turned his helpful hand to Lou.

"I can manage on my own, Kid. Just because I'm expectin' doesn't mean you have to give me any special treatment," Lou jokingly said with a smerk on her face.

Nevertheless, she did take the Kid's hand to step down. "Ughh,only another two months..." She exclaimed as her hands massaged her belly.

Kid couldn't help but smile at the thought of Lou bringing their child into the world. He couldn't tell what she was thinking at that exact moment, but he could tell by the gleam in her eyes that she was happy...and that is how he always wanted her to be.

Lou tugged on Kid's arm as he continued to glance down at her. "Come on Kid we have a lot of work to do before sundown."

She noticed that Kid was in a daze even though he was looking right into her eyes. "And what might I ask are you looking at?" She said with a beaming smile. "That little dot on your nose!"

Some how that was not the answer Lou had expected. Taking the comment in good humor, she gave him a shove on the shoulder as he began to laugh.

"You know, I just love to tease you, Lou." He put his hands on her waist and began to puller her closer to him.

"You know Lou, you and I are not as close as we used to be." They both simultaneously looked to her abdomen, and started to laugh.

"Gee Kid, I wonder why?"

as he continued to hold her in his arms he looked around at the old Sweetwater Express Station. "We are going to be so happy here Lou, and I think this will be a great place to raise our children." Lou didn't say anything, but reacted to his statement so heartedly by gently placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Kid," she said in a soft manner. "This is where we first kissed."

I knew from that moment that it was meant to be. Kid remenisced,"I remember that moment very well. This land has so many good memories Lou...just to think, we have this opportunity to make many more."

Lou had whispered to a reluctant Kid, "As much as I hate for this moment to end Kid, we better be getting the wagon unloaded...its gettin' mighty late."

"Yeah, I 'spose we ought to get busy...besides it looks like a storm will be hitting soon."

Kid had unrigged the wagon from the horses and headed over to the barn. Lou was beginning to climb the back of the wagon in order to unload the crates.

Kid came out of the barn and in a fury ran to his wife. "LOU!!! Stay right there!!! You know what the doctor told lifting." Oh great, here he goes again! "Kid, I'm fine...besides you can't do all this yourself!"

Rather than start an argument, Lou stepped aside to let him unload the wagon.

"All right then, I'll go inside and see what kind of trouble I can get into in there." Kid smiled as he thought how soft she had become over years.

Yet, she is still very strong...she's still got a lot of fire in her, that's for sure!

When they had first returned to the old express station, it had been in a rather poor condition. The main house was in desperate need of a new coat of paint, as was the bunkhouse, which looked like it hadn't been used for anything much, since the days when the pony express was a thriving business, and it housed the six young riders. Still, that wasn't enough to deter Kid and Lou from wanting to call it home again. Maybe it was the memories that came with the property and the need to keep those memories alive, or their dreams for the future and their desire to fulfill them.

It was Kid's dream to build up a successful horse ranch and provide the best life possible for his family, and he was determined to do so. Ofcourse, Lou wanted whatever would make the Kid happy. The young couple had been through enough in their short lives, that they deserved at least that wish.

It had been hard work reparing the old station, but they had managed to get it into a decent state once again. Firstly they had set to work on the main house, repainting, inside and out, although Lou had felt rather useless as Kid had barely let her do a thing. Next came repairs to the corrals and the barn, which were needed for Kid to start up his business, and lastly the old bunkhouse, which Kid informed Lou proudly, would one day house employee's he would need to put on once the business was up and running.

It was now only a month until the expected arrival the first little McCloud. Although Lou was unsure of her abilities as a mother, Kid had complete faith in her, and knew, without a second thought, that she would be the most caring and loving mother a child could hope for, just as he had known right from the beginning that she was the woman he would spend the rest of his life with. Although niether of them thought it possible to love each other more than on thier wedding day, they had been proven wrong, and loved each other more as the days and years passed by and knew that the baby they were expecting would be showered with the same love.

It was sultry summer's night, and Kid and Lou were sitting on the porch swing, watching the sunset on the horizon, content just to be in each other's company, when Kid brought up something that had been on his mind for a while now.

"Lou, there's something we need to talk about"

"Huh, what's that sweetheart" Lou replied, not knowing what to expect.

"Well" Kid started "You know that in a few days I have to leave for Denver to do some horse trading."

Lou's head tilted downward at the thought of Kid leaving. With a shy voice she said, "Yeah, I know."

"You know that I wouldn't leave you if it weren't somethin' important...its just that this trip could mean our future."

Lou understood completely what it meant for Kid to leave for Colorado, but it was his timing that was bad.

"I will only be gone for a week, ten days at the most. You know I wouldn't go at this time if the doctor hadn't told us that the baby won't be due for another month."

Lou still looked down at her hands that rested securely on her belly. "But," Kid continued, "I have a little surprise for you." Lou knew that this had to be something worth while because a smile was beaming from Kid's face.

"And what might that be Kid?" He continued, "Well, a few weeks back I sent out a letter to Rachel in Rock Creek. She agreed at my request to come out and visit you while I am gone."

"Oh, Kid!!! Really?" She exclaimed as she gave her husband a hug.

"I know how much she means to you Lou, so I knew you would be happy." Lou didn't know quite what to say.

"I don't know quite what to say Kid!"

"Just the look on your face Lou says it all."

Just about the time they began to go back inside, they saw a rider coming. "I wonder who that is, were you expecting anyone?" Lou asked as both of their eyes were pealed on the rider. Kid shook his head no to answer her question.

As the rider came near, they realized it wasn't anyone they new.

The unfamiliar rider got off his horse and asked, "Is there a fellow that goes by the name of Kid here?"

Concerned, Kid and Lou both looked at each other and then glanced down at the envelope that the man was holding.

"That's me." Kid stated.

"Well then sir, this here is for you."

"Its a telegram Kid, who do you 'spose its from?"

"Only one way to find out I guess." Kid said as he started to open the envelope. He read it to himself before sharing it with his wife.

"Well, what's it say?"

Kid cleared his voice and then began to speak.

Dear Kid and Louise,

Due to a sudden storm that has hit Rock Creek, I will be unable to come on the next available stage since the rivers are swollen.

I am sorry for the inconvenience caused, so I have sent along a little something that should reach you within the next few days.

Love, Rachel

"I'm not leaving you Lou, Colorado can wait." Kid looked at her with concern. "Now Kid, you know what this means for our business. If you don't go we may never get on our way. Besides, you said it yourself that you wouldn't have go if the doctor didn't say that the baby wouldn't be born for another month."

Kid protested against her. "That was before I knew that Rachel couldn't make it."

I know right now that this is a fight I can't win.

"Alright Kid, you win! I'm not in the mood for arguin' right now!" There was anger in her voice as she gave in to him.

Kid knew that with Lou being in the delicate condition that she was in, she didn't need the argument.

"I'm sorry Lou, I just want to know that you will be taken care of while I'm gone."

"Kid, I'll be fine...I always am!"

Kid smiled as he remembers all the times he used to worry about her when she went on her runs with the express. "Yeah, my girls' always fine isn't she?" After a long hard sigh and great will, Kid himself had given in.

"I know I'm going to regret this, win Lou."

What!? I can't believe it! Mister 'I'm concered about what might happen to you Lou'? HA!! I finally win! Lou couldn't hide the expression on her face, but she kept it to a minimum seeing how she saw the look on his.

"Don't worry Kid, I'll be fine. Right now lets go inside, I'll get you something to eat." She changed the subject real quick, afraid he might change his mind

The time has come for Kid to leave. "Are you sure you have everything, Kid?"

"Everything, but you. I wish I could either stay or take you with me."

"Yeah, I know. Besides, I was really looking forward to seeing Rachel again too. Speaking of Rachel, she said she was going to send a little something in a few days...I wonder what she meant by that?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't worry about it, probably a present for the baby."

I can tell that this is his subtle way of stalling time. "Well Kid, if you don't get going you won't hit Seneca by night fall."

With goodbyes said and kisses given, Kid rode off once again in the sunset.

Night fall had came and Lou had decided to turn in for the night. There had been many long and hard days since they had moved back to Sweetwater. Lou, for one, had been looking for some relaxation while Kid had gone to Colorado. This could be her last time for peace and quiet before the baby comes...or so she thought.

Don't forget to tell Annie how you liked her story!
