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A New Arrival

Chapter 3

Annie Smith

Author's Note : Based on the television series "The Young Riders", created by Ed Spielman, produced by Ogiens/Kane, in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement of copyright is intended.

"What are you talking about Lou ?" asked Cody, thinking Lou was playing some sort of practical joke on him, since they had been on the subject. "I know I did some stupid things to you guys during our time with the express, but hey, this ain't funny !" exclaimed Cody

"Cody....SHUT UP !!" yelled Lou, "This ain't no joke !! I am about to have a baby here and I'm going to need your help!!!!"

The reality finally hit Cody, and he realised he had better do something....and fast. "Okay Lou, firstly, what can I do to make you more comfortable?" asked Cody having not experienced a situation like this before thankfully !, he felt somewhat useless in Lou's time of need.

"Take me upstairs to the bedroom!!" replied Lou just before another long and painful contraction.

I never thought in a million years that Louise McCloud would say those words to me!

"Is that an invitation?" Cody couldn't help but make that wise crack at that vulnerable statement. He quickly learned never to do that again when Lou grabed on tightly to his long blonde hair.

"Lou, I was just trying to cheer you up!! Now, could you please let go of my kinda hurtin' me. Besides all the ladies wouldn't look at me the same if I was bald!"

"Well Cody, make one more smart comment like that one and I'll aim a bit lower next time. That way no lady is ever going look at you period...if you catch my drift." By the look on her face...she ain't lying either!

Cody nodded his head in agreement to Lou, who was obviously in intense pain. "I promise Lou. Now, let go of my hair and hold on to my hand."

She did so and he tried to make Lou as comfortable as possible.

"I need Kid!!!!" Lou cried.

I need Kid too, Cody thought to himself !

"I know you do honey, and if I could get him for you, belive me I would ! Now Lou," said Cody taking on a more serious tone gently holding her hand in an attempt to offer her some reasurrance "I'm going to have to ride into town and fetch the Doc".

"No!!!!" she screamed as another contraction began, and she tightened her grip on Cody's hand, almost making him scream just as loudly ! "You can't leave me here alone Cody, I can't do this alone, I need you!!!! Besides, the doc said I wasn't due for another month and he had to go to St. Joe for a convention.

"Okay Lou don't panic, everything is going to be fine, I'm not going anywhere."

I could have sworn Rachel said that she wasn't due for another month. I can't leave her alone but if I don't get a doctor out here quick...I'm afraid what might happen.

"Lou, could you remind me to thank Rachel when this is all over?" Joked Cody, bringing a much needed smile to Lou's face.

"YEAH!!! And the same goes for Kid too...the no good, low down, snake in the...OHHHHHH!!!"

Okay Cody, breathe out..."

There's got to be a way to get out of this chicken outfit.

"Uhhh, Lou...I'm going to go uhhh...uhhh boil some water...yeah!"

With what strength she had left after the contraction she grabbed ahold Cody's arm and pleaded with him not to go.

"Cody, this baby is coming fast please don't leave me!" As the tears were rolling down her face, it was evident that she was in a lot of pain and that she was terrified. Her main fear was that the baby was a month early and the doctor had told her that she may have complications because of her small build.

"Oh, please don't let my baby die Cody...please don't let it die!!"

Cody was heartbroken but couldn't find the words to comfort Lou. This was definately the hardest run either of them had been on, and he didn't know how to quite get out of the situation.

"Don't you worry Lou, everything is going to be just fine." Oh Lord. I know I had no right sayin' I could use some help right now!

Lou's grip became stronger with each contraction. Cody continued to wipe the sweat from Lou's brow with a damp cloth. Although the two had not been the closest of the bunch, this certainly was about to change all of that.

"Cody, I can't do this for much longer!" she said, barely getting the words out of her mouth.

"Lou, your gonna have're a fighter Lou! You never quit before, now don't quit on me now." Cody raised his tone of voice to let her know he means business.

To try to get her mind off of the obvious pain, he started to sing "Oh Suzanna!"

Lou through the dirtiest look over towards him, but he kept on singing.

"Oh Suzanna, oh don't you cry for me...I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee..."

"CODY!!!!! STOP IT!!! I promise I won't give up...just stop your singing! You sound like a cow dying."

"I'm insulted!!" Cody rang out in a sarcastic tone.


Maybe if I stall her...she could pull this off for a couple of days...that way, the doc will be back in town..."


Or maybe not!

"Alright Lou, uhhh keep breathing and I'll see how you are coming along."

Why did I tell her to breathe...I can't even breathe!!" "I'm going to take a look now Lou...okay?"

Lou didn't have a care in the world at this time...she just wanted the baby out! "Well Cody, atleast you won't get any surprises like Teaspoon did!! Just think, five years could have been you that found me on that ground instead of Kid! OHHHHHHHHHHHHhh..."

That screem was louder than all of the rest and Cody became concerned." "Another contraction?"Cody asked. "No, just the thought of you finding me instead of Kid...yes another contraction!!" Her sarcasm was getting more vicious as time lingered on.

Cody hesitantly lifted up the sheet to see how far along she was. However, with one look, he fell to the ground like a sac of potatoes.

Lou heard the thump as he fell onto the hard wooden floor. "CODY, Cody this isn't funny! If this is another one of your practical jokes....I swear I'll kill you!!!!"

Lou soon realized what had happened. At first she tried to humor herself with the fact that Cody could stomach a bullet or two, but couldn't handle a harmless little child being brought into the world...but then she realized what this means. If Cody doesn't wake up soon, she and the baby could be in grave danger.

To Be Continued....

Don't forget to tell Annie how you liked her story!
