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A New Arrival

Annie Smith
Lou sat up in her bed looking over at her tiny babies across the room. Lord, what is Kid going to say when he gets home? Of course, there is nothing that can be done about the situation...but it would have been more eventful if he could have shared this moment with me. Still, he is not to blame.

She couldn't have been more proud of her two tiny sons, and she hoped that Kid would feel the same way. They were two little miracles. Living proof of Kid and Lou's love and devotion for each other. They were now a family.If only Kid would come home to me soon, Lou thought silently, and with that in mind, drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Kid and Jimmy rode hard and fast. Stopping only when absolutely necessary, to give their horses a well earned rest. The trip back to Sweetwater, for the most part, was silent. Not because the two hadn't forgiven each other for the harsh words they had exchanged at the end of their express days. All had been forgiven and forgotten. The silence was of course due to the fear each of them held, but weren't willing to mention. Neither Kid nor Jimmy wanted to admit that something bad may have happened. It was too difficult to face the possibility.

Dawn was approching as the two exhausted riders rode towards the old express station. All seemed quiet as far as they could tell, from a distance. Kid's heart was racing with fear and apprehension. He wanted so much to run to Lou... but what if she wasn't there? What if something had indeed happened? He shook the thought from his tired mind and tried to think positive as he handed his horse to Jimmy to take care of.

Kid hesitated for a moment. "Well what are you waiting for, Kid?" exclaimed Jimmy. "Everything will be fine" he added patting Kid on the back softly "Now go and see your wife!".

Kid ran to the front door and then came to an abrubt stop when his hand touched the door knob. Please let Lou be alright, Lord...let her be alright. He said to himself just before he opened the door. He took a quick glance in the small corridor before the stairwell. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.

He noticed the house was quiet, and it seemed as nothing had been disturbed. That was until he noticed the boots that were propped up against the arm of the couch.

Kid quickly drew his gun from his holster and quietly tip-toed toward who he thought was an intruder.

He cocked the gun back and placed the barrel on the mans hat. The man slowly started to sit up as Kid gave him careful instructions. "Put your hands where I can see 'em and slowly stand up" ordered Kid in a more than serious tone.

"Kid ?" came the gruff, yet ever familiar voice of Teaspoon Hunter.

"Teaspoon ?" questioned Kid, not quite knowing what was going on. He hadn't seen Teaspoon in a long while, and had no idea why he was here now.

"Kid, it's okay son. You can put the gun down now !" exclaimed the old man, as he embraced Kid in a firm hug. "It's good to see ya son. I'm sure Lou will feel the same way too !" he remarked, slapping Kid on the shoulder.

"Oh god, Lou, how is she, what is going on, is everything okay......." Kid had been so distracted by Teaspoon's presence that he had momentarily forgotten why he had rushed home. "Whoa Kid, hold on just a second. Lou's upstairs, why don't you go see how she is for yourself".

As Teaspoon finished his sentence, a baby's cry could be heard . It was coming from one of the upstairs bedrooms. Kid looked at Teaspoon, half in shock and half in joy. He didn't quite know how to react at this point in time. "Well, go on son. Lou's waitin' on ya!" the old man said as he pushed Kid towards the stairs.

Kid climbed the stairs with lightning speed and in no time at all was standing at the door to his and Lou's bedroom. He hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to expect when he opened the door. Would Lou ever forgive him for leaving her alone? he thought to himself. All seemed quiet now. Maybe he had imagined the baby's cry a few moments ago. The state he was in right now, anything was possible.

Slowly, he opened the door. His breath was taken away by one of the most beautiful scenes he had ever encountered. Lou was sitting in their bed, nursing their child. Tears welled in Kid's eyes as he moved towards Lou (who had not noticed his presence yet) and their beautiful baby.

Kid wanted to savor that moment forever and stood happily in the doorway observing his wife and his newborn child. He hadn't ever remembered a time where Lou had seemed so at was almost as if motherhood was her calling.

Kids hands were trembling with all the excitement, and a little nervousness. It was a that point that Lou turned her head and saw her husband standing in the doorway.

She didn't say a word at first. Instead, her breath was taken away from finally seeing her husband. The only time Kid could remember her doing that was when he showed her the wedding rings after he picked them up in Dixon.

"KID!!!" She said with excitement but at the same time a whisper. She didn't want to startle the baby.

Kid took his dust-beaten jacket off and layed it on the back of a chair. He smiled and the proceeded to walk over to Lou.

"Lou, I'm so sorry for leaving you...I never knew that this would..." She then interupted him by putting her finger over her lips and motioned for him to move closer.

Kid sat in the bed next to where she layed, and looked down at their child. Lou saw the gleam in his eyes and immediately saw the expression that she had hoped for. She then thought to herself... He has no clue what is about to hit him!

While Kid was busy observing the ten little fingers and ten little toes, Lou looked up long enough to notice Rachel, Cody, Jimmy and Teaspoon standing in the doorway smiling down on the two new parents.

Rachel held in her arms the other new addition to the family and questionly asked by the raise of her brow and shrug of the shoulders if now was the time to tell Kid about the twins.

Lou nodded her head as Kid looked up into her eyes. Lou tried to hide the mischevious smile on her face, but Kid's excitement overlooked it. "Kid... would you like to hold your son?"

Kid acted as though he was shocked at her question. "My mean its a boy?" Lou laughed at his response and the others that were overlooking from across the room were trying there hardest not too laugh.

"It sure is Kid... he looks just like his daddy." Kids smile lit up the whole room as Lou passed the tiny baby from her arms into his. "Be careful of his head now," she said with a motherly tone. I'm sure glad he is sitting down for this next one.

Kid couldn't take his eyes off of the baby for one second. "Lou, I've never seen anything so tiny before.

Look at these little hands and little toes!!!!" Lou could see that Kid was in his own little world. She smiled as she ran her hands through Kid's hair, and then glanced back over to the group that was standing impatiently at the door. Lou smiled at them and nodded for someone to break the silence.

The one and only person who could ever make breaking up silence his career stepped forward. "While were on the subject of introductions..." Kid looked over and saw Cody standing there.

"Cody!!!! I can't believe its you!!!" Kid looked at Lou, saying..."First Teaspoon, then I find out I have a son, then Cody... what could be next?"

Just then Cody, started to laugh. He has no clue!!!

"Well, Kid...first off, we know each other, and the last time I checked ,introductions mean to present something new."

Lou and Kid both looked at Cody in absolute confusion. Lou clenched her forehead and looked down shaking her head wondering if Cody would ever get to the point.

"Same ole' Cody," Kid laughed as he looked down at his son telling him what a nut his uncle Cody was.

Rachel then stepped forward while still holding the other baby.

Kid's attention was still focused on the little one he held in front of him.

Lou broke the silence as she couldn't keep the secret any longer. "Kid what Cody is trying to say is... I want you to meet your other son."

Kid's smile turned into a questioning grin as he met Lou's eyes. "What do you mean 'other son'?"

Rachel was now standing next to Kid. "Congratulations Kid!!! Its another boy!" Rachel said looking at the shocked expression on his face.

Kid gasped in awe of what he was seeing and hearing. Another son !!! he thought. Everything was happening so fast it was all hard to take in at once. Rachel sat down beside Kid so he could get a closer look at the other tiny miracle he and Lou had created.

"Would you like to hold him Kid ?" she questioned

"Yeah I would" came Kid's reply, barely a whisper, as a single tear escaped and trickled down his face. He took the other precious bundle from Rachel's arms.

Sensing that the couple needed some time alone Rachel broke the silence "Well, I guess since we're all awake now, I should get started with breakfast. C'mon boys, I'll need some help" Rachel motioned for them all to follow her as she added "You two take all the time you need, we'll make sure Cody doesn't eat all of the food !".

They all laughed as they remembered Cody and his appetite during the express days.

"Oh wait just a second" called Lou "Jimmy, don't think your leaving this room before you come over here and give me a kiss and a hug !"

Jimmy looked at Lou, and then at Kid, who nodded and smiled at his friend. He walked over to her, and sat down beside her on the bed, placing a kiss on her forehead and hugging her tightly. She's even more beautiful than I remembered, Jimmy thought to himself.

"Oh Jimmy, it's so good to see you !" Lou's face was luminous. He had never seen her so happy before.

"It's good to see you too Lou" he placed another kiss on her forehead as he stood, ready to leave the room. "Congragulations you two" he added.

Don't worry, Jimmy...we'll catch up. All of us need to catch up.

Jimmy smiled, and said, "We'll do just that Lou, you just rest for now."

With those words said, he went down to greet the others.

Meanwhile Kid still remained shocked as he hed the two little ones in his arms. "Twins!!, I...I still can't believe it. I know its a surprise, Kid...believe me no one was in more shock than I was when Cody said "I think your having another baby Lou!"

Kids face and mouth dropped open when she said Cody's name. "Cody delivered the babies?" She nodded in agreement to the unbelievable question. "Boy, Lou...I'm so sorry Lou, you must hate me that I left you all alone...with Cody!"

"No, I couldn't love you any more than I do right now, Kid.

He leaned over and kissed her while still holding those two precious beings.

"We have a lot to talk about Kid...there are going to be some changes around here, and so much has happened in the last few days.."

"I know...instead of two mouths to feed we have eight!"

"Thats the least of our worries Kid...we have to somehow name our babies without giving Cody too much satisfaction."

"AHHHH of course, he asked to have it named William after him...right?"

"Well, to tell you the truth sounds a lot better than Kid!"

Your right Lou...we'll talk about it...later." he said avoiding her. "Right now, you need your rest."

With a smerk on her face and an odd grin towards Kid, she smiled slightly and kissed Kid.

"I need to aquaint myself with my two boys...we have alot of men talk to do."

Kid left and took the babies out of the room to let his wife sleep. She was obviously very tired from the previous day, and quickly fell right to sleep.

The next few days were going to be just as busy with everyones stories of all their journeys since the express...and one in particular...Teaspoon and Rachel.