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Broken Hearts

Author's note....Based on the television series "The Young Riders", created by Ed Spielman, produced by Ogiens/Kane in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only, no infringement of copyright is intended.

Taylor Jansons


Nightfall came soon enough, although to Lou, it had seemed like an eternity. She had had all day to think about what she was going to say to Jimmy about "the kiss", but still was unsure of how to let him know her feelings. Oh well she thought either way, we have to get our feelings out in the open, for both our sakes.

Lou was sitting on a bale of hay beside the corral, anxiously awaiting Jimmy's return, when her thoughts turned to the Kid. She had been so pre-occupied with her thoughts about her inevitable conversation with Jimmy, that she hadn't even realised, Kid had not returned from wherever it was he had been in such a hurry to get to earlier.

Where was he going ? Lou was sure he didn't have a run scheduled until tommorrow, and usually he would have told her otherwise. She became worried and decided to go and find Teaspoon. Maybe he could answer some of her questions about Kid, and if not, she thought, at least it would help pass some time.


When Jimmy rode back into Rock Creek, the sun had long since set. Ofcourse he had told Lou earlier that he had to get going if he wanted to get back by nightfall, but had deliberately taken his time returning, hoping to avoid the converstation that he was dreading having with Lou.

During his run he also had plenty of time to think about what he was going to say to Lou, although in his mind and deep in his heart, it tore him apart that he could not really tell her his true feelings towards her. Afterall, that was what had gotten them into this situation in the first place. He had let his feelings towards Lou get out of control, and had kissed her. It won't happen again, he thought, It can't happen again.

Jimmy rode into the barn and was greeted by Cody.

"Hey Jimmy"

"Hey Cody" returned Jimmy.

"How was your ride ?"questioned Cody

"Like any other ride" answered Jimmy with a sigh, sounding sarcastic, but not really meaning to. He apologised "Sorry Cody, i'm just a little tired at the moment"." What are you doing out here anyway ?, Usually there's one sure place to find you at this time of night, and that's the dinner table !" said Jimmy jokingly.

"Just finishing up some chores. If i don't do 'em Rachel won't feed me !" Exclaimed Cody throwing his hands up in the air.

Jimmy chuckled "Well since your here, i guess you won't mind taking care of my horse for me ?" he said, handing the reigns to Cody, before turning to leave.

"Jimmy" Cody shouted after him.

"Don't worry Cody. I'll be sure and save you some food !" answered Jimmy with another chuckle, and with that he turned and started towards the bunkhouse.


As Jimmy entered the bunkhouse, his eyes scanned the room, expecting to see Lou waiting for him, but to his surprise she wasn't even there. A sense of relief came over him,. which didn't go un-noticed.

"Something wrong Jimmy ?" asked Rachel.

"No, just glad to be home. It's been a long day....and I'm starving !" he added, making the other riders laugh.

"Well, get cleaned up and i'll fix you some supper" replied Rachel patting Jimmy's shoulder.


"Teaspoon", Lou found him sitting at his desk in the marshalls office, feet on the desk ofcourse, reading the local gazzette.

"Ah, What's up Lou", he was a little surprised to see her.

"I brought some supper for you, and i wanted to talk to you too". Teaspoon was on duty later than usual that night, guarding a prisoner that had been bought in earlier that day, apparently, for stealing.

"Thanks Lou, what's on your mind ?"

"Well, i was just wondering if you know where Kid is ?. He rode out this morning and hasn't been back since, and i'm sure he doesn't have a run until tommorrow"asked Lou, obviously worried about Kid.

"He did ?" replied Teaspoon, looking more than a little surprised. "Your right, he doesn't have a run until tommorrow. To tell you the truth, i didn't even know he was gone".

Teaspoon saw the concerned look cross Lou's face. "Dont' worry sweetheart. I'm sure there's a perfectly simple explanation". Lou didn't look convinced. "But" added Teaspoon "if Kid isn't back by morning we will go look for him, okay ?".

"Alright, thanks Teaspoon. I guess i'd better get back to the bunkhouse before the boys eat all the food in sight" answered Lou jokingly, trying to hide her worry.


It was about the same time that Lou had been talking to Teaspoon, that Kid found himself in Seneca. He had been riding all day, trying to let out some of the anger that he was feeling. Unfortunately though, it hadn't seemed to work.

After leaving Katy at the Livery Stables on the outskirts of town, Kid headed into town towards the local hotel. He needed some rest, and time to think things out properly. Although, Kid didn't quite make it to the hotel. Instead, he found himself warming barstools at the local Saloon, drinking whiskey like there was no tommorrow.

He knew that what he was doing was wrong, and wouldn't help any, but he really didn't care. He had nothing to lose, at least that was what he thought !

To Be Continued....

