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Love Always, Kid

Based on the television series "The Young Riders", created by Ed Spielman, produced by Ogiens/Kane in association with MGM/UA television. For entertainment purposes only. No infringement is intended.


Have you ever wondered just what it was that Kid wrote in his note to Lou (the Exchange p1 & p2) ? Being a devoted Kid and Lou fan, it's something that I have thought about. Who could forget these memorable scenes ?!


Jimmy, Kid, Noah and Buck's conversation in the bunkhouse.

Jimmy "What you writing Kid?"

Kid"Ah nothin' "

Noah "Probably his will, hey make sure you spell my name right !"

Kid "For your information, I'm writing a note to Lou"

Buck "I thought you and Lou were sorta....?"

Kid "We are, don't mean we still can't be freinds".

Jimmy "She's gonna be hotter than a pistol when she finds out we left without her".

Kid "You and I both know that having Lou along is just something else to worry about".

Noah "I don't think Lou would see it that way".

Kid "The problem with Lou, is that she's always trying to prove herself"

Jimmy "She's proven herself to me, that's for sure"

Kid "What the hell is that s'posed to mean ?"

Jimmy "She hasn't let us down in a fight yet, what the hell did you think I meant ?".

Noah "If memory serves me Kid, I thought Lou said you shouldn't treat her any different?"

Kid "She can say whatever she wants, fact is, she's different, no matter what her or any of you say"

Noah "Kid"

Kid "Listen, ever since Lou and I got together, I've had to listen to ya'll tell me what you would or wouldn't do, what you would or wouldn't say. Now we're broken up and your still givin' me advice. It's between Lou and me and I'd appreciate you all just minding your own business, 'specially you Jimmy".

Kid storms out of the Bunkhouse

Jimmy "guess it aint over 'till it's over, huh?!".


Lou has returned from her run and the boys have already left. She and Rachel are in the house and Lou is staring at the note.

Rachel "Either your eyes or that letter are gonna wear out soon, if you don't give one of 'em a rest !"

Lou "Guess worrying about things don't make 'em any better".

Rachel "Don't worry about them Lou, they're gonna be fine"

Lou "thing is, I should be with them. Whatever they're going through, I should be going through too. Kid probably talked them into leaving me behind".

Rachel "I'm sure he did no such thing"

lou "He practically admits it right here in this letter. Half of it is filled with him telling me how glad he is I'm not with him. The other half is him telling me how much he still cares about me". "How can someone be so special and be so infuriating at the same time ?"

Rachel "Some people just got a knack for it !".Lou "I guess".

Rachel "Funny thing is, it's only the ones that you really care about that can get to ya like that"

Lou "They're all like that, Cody, Hickock...." Rachel shakes her head in disagreement.

Lou "I guess you're right".


Later in the episode Kid and Lou are reunited.

Lou "You're going to be alright Kid".

Kid "You never should have come Lou, I told ya in that letter".


I'm sure you all remembeer those great scenes from our fave show, so now I've got you thinking about what Kid might have written in his note, why don't you write it down! Let us know your thoughts on what was in the letter. Just a couple of things: It must end in "Love Always Kid" and be suitable for all audiences.Suitable pieces will be posted on the fan fiction page !
