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This is a very romantic contribution to the story. Non-romantics, be aware! HAVE A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS, ALL OF YOU! "Starbright"

Follow The North Star

It seemed winter had blown in quickly this year for the town of Sweetwater. Some were saying that this year was going to be the worst ever. The riders out at the Pony Express station had one and only obligation, and that was to deliver the mail from St. Joseph, Missouri all the way to Sacramento, California.

Christmas was just around the corner and this year was especially important to everyone. Most of the riders hadn't spent a single holiday with anyone who they would call a "loved one." And for those who had shared their blessings with family it was too long ago for them to remember.

Leading up to Christmas was the most hectic time of year for the riders. People with families on different sides of the country were sending greetings and gifts to their kin. It made thier job twice as difficult, but also twice as important as usual.

Since it was the first Christmas the riders would spend together as a "family", Rachel was planning on trying to make it special for them all. She had grown to love the express family in the short time she had been with them. In a sense, the boys and Lou were like her children, and Teaspoon and herself were like parents to them. At least that's how she thought of her new family. It was pretty certain that her sentiments were shared by everyone.

Rachel had organized a tree for the bunkhouse to make the festivities all the more special. As a gift to everyone the tree had hand made ornaments to enhance its beauty. Each one of the porcelin figures had a name of one of the riders painted on it, and she had hoped that it would become the starting of a tradition within their family.

But as usual, things were anything but routine around the station. In a season that stands for peace on earth, and goodwill towards seemed to be everything but that. Working what seemed to be long and excruciating days in unbearable cold weather did not make any of the riders appreciate what they all took for granted. Instead they often were at each others throats trying to exchange their scheduled runs.

The moods were often intense and some of the riders weren't even talking to each other. Yes, instead of a wonderful Christmas of togetherness...the riders had been striken by a bad case of the holiday blues.

It all started with Jimmy and Cody having some rowdy argument over a run. Seemed that Cody had promised to take a run to Willow Springs and then forgotten about it, promising Teaspoon to take an extra run for Blue Creek instead. Jimmy was hopping mad 'coz he had plans to go to Seneca and visit his sister come Christmas Day. He wouldn't be back from the run in time to get to Seneca. The words he described Cody were not the ones you expect around Christmas. Jimmy and Cody had been avoiding each other ever since.

Noah hadn't come back yet and Ike too was on a run. Buck had just returned and Kid had the last run the day after tomorrow. That didn't make him too happy and this seemed to rub off on Lou. Kid would be home Christmas Eve. Jimmy and Lou had to start early next morning, both going in the same direction. This fact didn't lift Kid's mood either.

*** Dinner that evening seemed more like a funeral. Rachel tried to start a conversation with each of the riders. All she got was silence and an occasional nod or grunt. Even Teaspoon tried his best, telling them all about old days and how he had spent some of his worst Christmases. All to cheer them up.

' I remember one time when I was a Texas Ranger. Me and Tommy Erbach was tied up to a pole the whole Christmas day. In the blisterin' Texas sun 'til we got freed by a posse. Now that was a holiday to remember.'

Jimmy looked at Teaspoon with a smirk. 'At least you were warm and cosy in the sun. I, myself have to go out in a snowstorm.'

'What snowstorm?'

' I'm sure it's coming just round the corner.'

Teaspoon just shook his head and gave Rachel a tired look. She sighed and looked at the sad bunch around the table. What a festive gathering this is going to be, she thought to herself. I've never seen a merrier bunch.

She and Teaspoon bid their goodnight and almost escaped from the bunkhouse. On the veranda they stopped and looked at each other.

'What are we goin' to do 'bout them, Teaspoon?'

' Let'm breed in their own brood, I guess. Can't just force them to be happy .'

' It's a pity, though'. I had such plans!'

'Rachel, the mood they're in in nobody's fault but their own. They'll come around.'

' I hope so, for everybodys sake. Coz' if this goes on they're gonna have to make their own Christmas dinner. I'm gonna be to depressed .'

' Tell 'em that and I bet you they'll come around faster than a fly on a hot summerday.'

Rachel just had to laugh at Teaspoon's homemade metaphors. She was still laughing as she walked to the house. Leave it to Teaspoon to tell it as it is, she thought, with the picture of flies on a hot summer day still before her eyes.

*** The riders heard Rachels laugh outside. Couldn't hear what the two were talking about, but they all wondered how anybody could laugh at a time like this. Lou was scribbling something. Her diary perhaps. Cody was trying to get a peak at it but Lou shot him dirty looks as he was peeking from behind her.

'Get lost Cody!' she snapped at him.

'Exactly my wish' Jimmy remarked from his bunk. 'I really wish you'll get lost and not arrive until New Years.'

Kid sat on his bunk swirling his gun around his finger. Cody thought it looked kind of dangerous.

'What are you doing?' Cody got irritated with the constant swirling. 'Hey! I'm talkin' to you!' He poked the Kid's leg with his boots as he passed. Kid almost lost his gun, losing his balance by Cody's interruption. Cody took an involuntary step back. ' What the hell..'

'Just practisin'. Kid looked kind of surprised at the reactions he was provocating. 'It's not loaded, don't worry.'

'That's right. Even if it was, Kid wouldnt be capable of hitting a wall even if it tumbled down on him.' Jimmy obviously had to take it out on somebody. Everybody was sorry it had to be the Kid. When those two got on with it, anything could happen. Kid rose from his bunk and took the bullets. Walking slowly towards Jimmys bunk he loaded an unsecured the gun.

'Is that right, Jimmy? Wanna come out for some target practisin'? Kid's anger made his voice deep and not just a little irritated.

Lou flung herself down from her bunk and started after the Kid. She pulled his arms to try to get him away from Jimmy. She didn't want to see bloodshed tonight of all nights.

'Stop it, both of ya!' When Kid wouldn't budge she placed herself between the Kid and Jimmy. 'Come on, Kid. Let'm be, he's been in a rotten mood for days now. '

'Look, he's got his girlfriend to defend him' Lou looked at Jimmy with unbelieving eyes. He really wanted to get himself killed tonight. Jimmy knew the Kid's sore spots and he stepped right on them. This was worse than ever. What was he trying to do?

'Jimmy..' she started but the Kid jumped in. 'Lou, I know what he's tryin' to do. He wants me to beat him up so he wont have to go out on the run tomorrow. But I ain't gonna give him that pleasure. I'll just wait ' til he comes back. Then I'll kill him.' Lou pushed the Kid back to his bunk. 'I just can't believe this is happenin' Lou looked around the bunkhouse.

Her and Buck's eyes met and his told her to leave it alone. She realised he was right and pushed Kid onto his bunk and climed up to hers. She took a last look around the bunkhouse and nailed everyone to their places with her looks 'Would ya'all plese shut up and lemme get some sleep, thank you.' Everybody went silent. Immersed in their thought of earlier, better christmases.

Chapter 2

Next morning as Jimmy an Lou had ridden out. Kid found himself worrying about Noah's whereabouts. He would have been back yesterday. Teaspoon was in his office resting comfortably on his chair, feet on the desk as usual, as Kid stepped in. Seeing who it was Teaspoon didn't bother to change posture.

'Well Kid, I was just waitin' for somebody to come visit. You're gonna be rewarded with a run today.

'What!',p> 'Yeah, that's right. I know you're up tomorrow but you can do this on the way. Just got notice of a delivery that has to be in Big Valley before tomorrow morning. And seein' as you're going that way you can start today. The parcels is right here. Saddle up and come get it.'

Teaspoon tapped on the deskdrawer. Kid just stared at Teaspoon who lifted his eyebrows 'Anything to say son?' Kid just turned around shaking his head and started out the door. Fine, he thougt, everything was spoiled anyways. Why not spend three whole days on a horseback, in a blizzard.

'Son, you are going in Noahs direction so keep your eyes open and take Buck with you! I want two guns on this trip.'

Kid just raised his hand in a sign that he understood. He felt ashamed of himself, he had forgotten all about Noah, the reason he came here in the first place. As he made his way to the station he wondered how he was going to brake the news to Buck. Is he gonna be real happy, he thought to himself. He looked to the east and saw the dark clouds. He shrugged as he understood what they where heading for.

*** Lou and Jimmy rode their horses hard. Eager to get home in time. Jimmy seemed furious, Lou thought as he watched his back as he spurred his palomino to an even harder pace. The horses won't last this much longer she thought as she fought to get closer to Jimmy and make him slow down.

'Jimmy, hold on! Your killin' your horse.'

Finally Jimmy slowed down to let his horse breathe. He gave Lou a stonecold look and smirked. 'I could have done this alone, I'd be there already and halfway back.'

'Yeah on your own feet. No horse can take this and you knew already we wouldn't make it back in time for you to get to Seneca. Why're you angry at me for?'

'Ain't angry at you.'

'Right Jimmy, you're just angry at the whole world an' I happen to be part of it.What's happenin' here?'

'Lou, it's nothing. I'm just in a bad mood that's all. It's nothing to worry about.

'Nothin' to worry about. Last night you and Kid almost got into a fight about nothing at all. You've never been like this before!'

'Kid an I was just we were just' Jimmy had to stop and search for words as he saw Lou's look . She didn't believe a word he said. And she was right to. She didn't know he had gotten word from his sister about trouble they had encountered. She wrote it was okay by now but he felt the worry anyways and wanted to check her out. He felt as he was betraying her, even though she had specially written and told him not to tell anybody 'bout the problems. He had wanted to go in the other direction. The direction Teaspoon was sending the Kid. But he could't even tell the Kid to keep an eye open. And Noah that was missing. What was happening?

Lou watched Jimmy as he sort of drifted in to another world. She knew something was wrong but just like the Kid Jimmy wouldn't tell before he was good and ready. 'Hope it's not too late by then' Lou muttered to herself.


'Nothin'. Jimmy, nothin' at all. Just let us get to where we're going at and get home.'

*** 'Buck, what'ya think is in this parcel?'

'Don't know, Kid, has to be something out of the ordinary for Teaspoon to send us out in this weather.'

'Looks real bad ahead.'

' I know. The horses are already startin' to spooke. And we have to get throu' this by today.'

' I just have to wonder if Teaspoon knew what he was sendin' us into? Hope Lou and Jimmy don't get into to this.

'If they're back by tomorrow I don't think they will. We'll have to ride throu' it twice if we want to spend Christmas in Rock Creek.

'Let's see what happens and then decide.'

'You think something's gonna happen?' Buck knew the Kids hunches was usually right so he had to turn around and look at him. 'Don't tell me you have a bad feelin'.

'Might just be the storm, Kid grinned at Buck, 'but I really do feel something gonna happen. And I have a feeling Noah's in the middle of it.'

'God-al-mighty' Buck was feeling a creepy feeling down his spine. This didn't sound good. This sounded worse thab any of Teaspoons christmases. He just hoped th Kid was wrong. He has to be wrong sometimes don't he?

'Come on Kid, let's see if it's just the storm. Buck spurred his horse into an eveb´n canter. Gettin' closer to the darkness with every step.

*** Jimmy and Lou got to Willow Springs late that evening. The town was dark as they arrived. The saloon was almost empty as the stode in to get a bite to eat. They listened to two men talking about a ponyexpress rider being robbed on his way to Blue Creek earlier that week. He was a deacoy for a money shipment and they stole his horse and beat him up, leaving him for dead out in the middle of nowhere. Just sheer luck he survived.' Lou and Jimmy both perked their ears at the news. 'The shipments not where it's supposed to be yet. I heard some poor devil in Rock Creek's gonna be the next deacoy. If they get him they,ll surely kill him.' Jimmy glanced at Lou, they both knew the Kid was going in that direction. Was he the deacoy? Lou's face whitened and she leaned forward to hear better. But the men noticed her movement and fell silent. Jimmy decided to ask the men what they were talkin' about.

' Excuse me sir. We're riders for the Pony Express and we-re stationed in Rock Creek. What's goin on?.

The men looked at each other and one of them started to say something when the other man interposed 'Sir, it's nothing, some rumours flyin' around that's all. The man pulled the other one to his feet and gave him a warning look. 'We'd better be going. Goodnight. He almost dragged the other one out. Lou's face was whiter than Jimmy's ever seen it before. 'Jimmy' seh slmost whispered, 'You think Kid's the one Teaspoon's sending out as a deacoy?' 'No Lou, Teaspoon wouldnt do such a thing. If Kid's riding out he's gonna know what to expect. Lou's hand was shaking as she tagged at Jimmys coat. 'If Teaspoon knows he'll be posing as a deacoy, that is,' They both fell silent and ate their dinner. Lou didn't seem to get muh down of it. Jimmy watched her with worried eyes. He just just how much she worried 'bout the Kid, even thou' she tried to hide as best se knew. She couldn't fool him though.

'We'll get back as soon as possible Lou and see if Teaspoon knows and what we can do, alrigt? But we have to let the horses rest tonight.'

Lou nodded as she just moved her meat from onte place on the plate to another. Unable to eat as she saw pictures of the Kid laying on the ground beaten to a bloody pulp. She felt sick to her stomach just thinking about it. Her mood sunk even further.

'Don't worry Lou, everything's gonna be fine.

'I'm not worryin' , Lou didn't lift her head as she spoked. Afraid Jimmy would see right throu' her. But somehow she knew he already had.

'And who's lyin' now? Come on Lou, if you ain't gonna eat that let's go get some sleep!

Chapter 3

Kid and Buck were fighting the hard wind. It had started snowing as they approached the dark clouds ahead. And they still weren't in the middle of the storm. They couldn't see very far ahead but they had found a strange bright star in the sky. A star that shone occasionally between the dark clouds. It shone right behind them and they used it to navigate in the dark. But they soon had to admit to themselves that they were lost. It was getting cold and the horses were nervous. Buck was scanning the area to find some shield from the raving storm. The darkness around them made it very difficult. As they finally got into a calmer area in the wood they spotted a light in the dark.

'Looks like a window' Kid shouted to Buck, trying to calm Katy down at the same time. Katy was twisting from left to right. Scared of every sound she heard. This was making Buck's horse tense and nervous too. Buck didn't even other to speak. It was hard enough to breathe the cold air. He waved in the direction of the light. Hoping Kid would understand they had to get there and get some cover.

They walked towards the light, Katy up front this time and Bucks horse following right behind. Suddenly Kid stopped and beaconed Buck closer. When Buck came close enough he looked in the direction of the light. Noah's horse was among the horses that stood behind a partly dowfallen barn wall. They were really close now but the wind drowned every nose. Kid leaned forward towards Buck. 'You know the other horses. Don't seem any Ponyexpress horses . Who's might they be?' 'Better check the situation out first, Kid. Kid glanced at Buck. 'Someway this doesn't feel right' he said as he forced Katy onwards toward the house. The door of the small houselike building flew open and Buck saw a man with a rifle in his hand step out. At the same instance the wind broke a large branch of a three and hit the Kid in the head sending him off Katy that fled in panic. Bucks horse followed in the same wild pace. Buck heard a shot fired and lost his balance for a minute not able to stop his horse. He closed his eyes and pressed himself against his horse. The Kid was right he thought, somethings was going to happen. He decided to follows the Kid's hunch that something wasn't right and let the horse run. He hoped nobody would follow so he could get some help. Where from was the big question.

*** Noah watched the Kid get hit by the branch from inside the house. He was tied up and beaten pretty bad. Every move he made, made his sore limbs ache. He closed his eyes in deperation for what the men might do to the Kid. He had to open his eyes again as he heard the man drop the unconsius Kid on the floor. One of the men , Dick, came close to Noah and pointed the gun in his face.

'You know him' he asked. 'Is this another Ponyexpress rider comin' to look for you?'

'Or is he the one carrying the money?' the man the others called Pete interrupted.

Noah kept his silence as he always had. He waited for another beating, but he men seemed more it´ntrested in the Kid now. Noah looked at Kid's pale face with blood running down the temple from a wound.

'You'll kill him that way and then you'll never find out who he is' Noah spoke with a rather unsteady voice. Not havins said anything for three days made his voice tremble.

'So you're a doctor? the third man, Andrew, said in a scornful voice.

'No, but I've seen this before. If it doesn't get taken care of it might kill him.

The fourth man, the youngest of them all, the one called Jim, interrupted. 'He's right. My brother died of a wound like that. He was talking and all afterwards. Didn't seem sick at all. Two days later he was dead. Even the doc couldn't say why.

'You don't say?' Pete was kicking the Kid in his side. Hoping to provoke some kind of reaction from the inconsiuos man. Kid's head movin from one side to another but still no sign of him waking up. Pete looked at Jim 'You know what to do then? Jim shook his head 'I'm tellin' ya my brother died, I dunno what to do about it. Just know it need be taken care of.' Let's get our negro here to take care off him, outta suit him just fine, no? The men let out a laughter and Noah felt his hands twinch. He wished he could lay them around the mens necks. He had to calm himself down. He had seen Buck get away. He didn't think the other men saw Buck from the angle they were watching. If he got away and this blizzard stopped the other might come and save them. The thought of Lou finding Kid in this condition or even worse made Noah feel shivers running down his spine. He had to try and save Kid, even with the cost of his own life.

'I need some water, he said as Jim let him lose from the ropes. 'Get some snow!' Pete said sitting in the chari holding a gun at him. 'Do what you need to do, but don't get any ideas. Remember there's four of us and just one of you! Not counting this halfdead one, Dick said giving the Kid a hard kick in the ribs. 'Wake him up or you'll die too, Pete said with a grim face. Noah moved very carefuly towards the bleeding, unconsius Kid. 'Hell, he thought, if you die on me now Kid, I'll either get killed by this gang of by Lou. You would't do this to me would you?

*** Buck stayed pressed against his horse while thwigs scratched his face. Katy was far ahead having lost the extra burden of a rider. Buck held his eyes closed sensing the horses fleeing in the same direction they had come. Suddenly he realised he hadn't felt any thwigs for some times now and opened his eyes. His horse cantered in a slow manner now. Just trying to follow Katy. They were out in the open now out of the snowstorm. The star they had follow shone bright among the other stars that now were fully visible in the dark sky. He slowed his horse down to a walking pace and scanned the area in the ligght of the stars. He saw some thress ahead and decided to stop and let his horse rest and gather his thougts while assesing the situation. He's thoughts went back to the Kid and he hoped he'd made it alright. The wild ride and the long day made his leg tremble as he slid off his horse. He watched the dark clouds from where they had come. He realised he had no sense of time. It was still night, that much was clear. But he had no idea how much time had lept since the sudden change of events. He patted his horse and unsaddled him. He sank down to the ground, thought running around in his head. What now?

*** Rachel was trying to tidy the bunkhouse up a bit. Not that it really was her job to do it but she wanted everything to be tidy bor the coming holidays. Ike had come in and she had sent him to sleep in the house. He signed furoiusly as he heard that the Kid and Buck were out int the Lone Valley direction. He had come from there and it was a mess. Rachel felt a sting to her heart as she thought about Noah that hadn't come back yet. As she talked about it with Teaspoon he told hetr that he had sent the Kid and Buck out there. If anyone would find Noah, it would be them. Rachel but the last touch on her christmas ornaments and went to the house to make Ike some dinner. As she was about to leave she looked back at the table and wished no place would be empty come christmas. Please let them return home safe, all of them!

Chapter 4

Lou woke with a startle, she had a nightmare about the Kid laying in the snow and she couldn't get to him. She shrugged as she tried to make out where Jimmy was in the still dark room. 'Jimmy!' She heard some grunts from the other side of the bed. She shook his shoulder 'You gotta get up, we have to get back!'.

'Lou?' Jimmy sleepstricken eyes watched her with disbelief ' it's not even light outside. It's still in the middle of the night and I cant sleep with you tossing and turning and shouting a certain name!

'I did not' Lou was defensive.

'Oh yeah, you did. It's been Kid that and Kid this all night long. I strongly considered joining the horses in the barn for a minute.'

'Jimmy, it's gonna be light soon. We have to go, I just feel something wrong.'

'Don't tell me it's rubbed off.'

'What's rubbed off?'

'The thing about hunches. I really think you and the Kid's been spending too much time together.'

'Not nearly enough.' Lou's voice almost broke. Jimmy watched her, feeling the pain she felt. His own feelings for her taking over and he turned to her and gave her a hug. He knew that there could never be anything between them. But he still loved her. But the love she felt for the Kid was so obvious, it hurt the very core of his being.

'Alright Lou, let's go home. You'll see everthing's gonna be alright. Don't worry!'

'I'm not worrying! She almost sobbed. She fought the feeling of dispair. She could almost feel the Kid crying out for her. But she didn't know if it was the aftermath of her nightmares or if it really was a hunch. She dreaded the latter.

*** Buck woke as the snowstorm was over him again. He got up instantly, angry at himself for falling asleep. He felt the wind increasing steadily and took the blanket to cover his horse. He mounted hastily adn tried to determine which way to go. The clouds and darkness making it hard to see. He was sure it was morning and he had already lost too many hours. 'What was I thinking, he thought to himself. The storm made it hard to ride in the pace he wanted to. He had to take it slow. His thought went back to the Kid and Noah. He hadn't even seen Noah, what if he was dead already? And if the Kid died, Lou would go to pieces, and probably blame him. She never let on her worries, but everybody could see she was in pain everytime the Kid was in trouble. Shrugging he spurred his horse, come what may, he had to get to Rock Creek fast.

*** Noah woke as the Kid moved. He felt his body ache as he leaned over to see if the Kid was awake. Kid's eyes were half open. He tried to say something but couldn't speak. Jim leaned over and souted 'He's coming to' to the other men. Noah reached for the water and gave the Kid a drink.

'How are you? And who are you? Noah tried to make the Kid understand that they weren't supposed to know each other. He saw the bewildered look on Kid's face.

'I don't know, I don't remember. What am I doing here?'

Noah wasn't sure Kid really knew. Maybe the blow to his head really had made him lose his memory. What if it had made him lose all his capabilities. Noahs hope vanished. He didn't know what to do next. He just looked at Kid trying to figure out if he really had forgotten, or if he was in on the game. He just couldn't tell. Jim was on watch and the other men were still asleep. The snowstorm had calmed down a bit. But nobody in their right mind would go out in this weather. Noah had an excellent idea. 'Sir' he started, looking at Jim sitting in the chair, not quite as attentive as the other men.

'I think nature's calling, could we be excused?'

'No funny stuff, I'll watch you from the door. One move in the wrong direction and it'll be your last. For both of ya.'

'Yessir' Noah nodded and asked the Kid 'Sir, can you stand up?'

'I'll try' came Kids faint answer as he tried to get to his feet. Noah listened to his troubled breathing an figured he had broken some ribs too. This was getting worse and worse. Kid had to take hold of Noah as they walked out. He had obvious troubles walking straight. Noah's heart kept shrinking. He was really bad. He needed a doctor not a bunch of lawless men giving them trouble. Kid managed to take just a few steps at the time. He held his side as he breathed.

'That's far enough'

Noah stopped and looked at the Kid. Kid tried to smile. But the pain made it too hard.

'Don't worry Noah, I remeber everythingalmost. Can't just figure out what I'm doing here.

'Can't go into that now, just remeber you don't know anything, whatever they ask of you.

'Are you alright, you look like hell. Are these the one's that been beatin' you up.

Noah nodded. The Kid's eyes were furiuos. He lowered his head and almost whispered 'I'm gonna kill them for that. The movement he made with his head made the world spin and a wave of nausea shoot trough him. He sank down to his knees in the snow.

'Get'm up from there and drag him in. Jim was getting in a bad mood not seeing them clearly from where he stood. They could bearly make out what he shouted. 'Good' Noah thought. That makes it impossible for him to hear their conersation. He tried to lift Kid up on his feet. Taking snow in his hands he washed Kid face, hoping the cold would make him feel better.

'Noah, If you get a chance, run for it.

'What are you talkin' about.

'We don't know if Buck will make it to Rock Creek in this storm. Any chance you get make a run for it. I'll try to keep them occupied.

´'You mean so Lou can kill me for leaving you behind. I don't think so'

Kid's strenght was rapidly vanishing. Noah had to almost carry him inside. 'He'll be fine if he just gets some rest first, sir' he told the men. All awake now, standing out in the snow and watching hem with suspicious eyes. They started to talk to each other silently as Noah dragged Kid inside. Noah wished he could hear what they were saying. But more that that he wished Buck would get to Rock Creek and that Kid would make it.

*** Cody came galopping to the station. Rachel watched with bewilderment the horse he had with him. Katy!. What is going on? she thought. As Cody slid off his horse she took Katy's reins and followed Cody to the barn. The snowstorm was over them now. She couldn't hear what Cody was saying ror the wind blowing. As the got to the barn she closed the door to close the roaring wind out.

'What happened, Cody? Where'd you find Katy?' Rachel watched as Cody was trying to catch his breath. He looked terrible, all drenched and shivering of cold.

'She came towards me outside Rock Creek. She looks like she's been running all night.

Rachel looked at the horse and saw the wild, rolling eyes and the heavy breathing. The horses withers moving violently.

'You're right Cody. She's beat. I'll have to walk her calm. Did you see Kid, or Buck?

'Is Buck out too, I thought Kid left this morning, when did Buck leave?'

'They both left yesterday around ten'

Ike came into the barn, watching Rachel hold the steaming Katy.

'What happened' he signed.

'We dont know' Rachel replied 'Cody found Katy nearby' 'I'll walk her' Ike signed. Rachel gave him a thankful smile as he took the reigns and steadied Katy. Rachel took the saddle of Katy and covered her with a blanket. 'Where's the Kid, Katy? I wish you could tell she patted the horse that answered with a soft whinning. 'Yeah Katy, I know you would like to tell me too. Cody watched them and shook his head. 'I wish somebody would take that good a care of me when I ride in hungry and wet' he stated in a complaining voice.

'Come on Cody. I'll get you somthing to eat while I go get Teaspoon. She smiled as she saw the tired riders face light up with the mention of food.

'Now you're talkin' Rachel, now you're talkin'. But I wouldn't say no to a nice rubdown either.

*** An hour later Jimmy and Lou came back. Rachel watched from the window as the rode in. She turned to Teaspoon and the other who were waiting for their dinner.

'Jimmy and Lou's back'.

Teaspoon rose from his seat and went to the window. 'How am I gonna brake this to Lou' he said 'without her gettin on another horse and ridin' into the snowstorm again.

Rachel sighed as she knew the reaction Lou would have. It didn't take long before they saw her rushing towards the bunkhouse.

'She's spotted Katy and is coming for the Kid' Teaspoon gave Rachel a look that told her how much he feared telling the tiny rider that Kid wasn't back yet. Neither was Noah or Buck.

Lou stormed in 'What a blizzard, you could hardly see a thing out there. I'm so happy.' She suddenly stopped and looked around the bunkhouse. 'Where's Kid?

' ' Ae, Lou..' Teaspoon started.

'Katy's back!' Lou took a step towards Teaspoon. Where's the Kid?'

'He didn't come back' As soon as the words had left his mouth Teaspoon realised what they sounded like. Lou's face went white as she sank to the floor.

'What'ya mean. He didn't come back. You mean'

'No, no, Lou. That came out all wrong. All I mean he didn't come back with Katy. Teaspoon lifted her up from the floor an seated her on the bench.

'Where is he then?'

'Lou, we don't know.' Rachel sat down besides her and put her arms around Louise shaking shoulders.

'But we have to go find him? Has Buck gone after him. He couldn't have gotten that far if he left this mornin'.

Rachel gave Teaspoon a pleeding look. She didn't want to be the bearer of all bad news. Teaspoon cleared his throat. He didn't quite know how to put this. Ike and Cody, specially Cody, who always used to put his foot in his mouth, were both looking down at the table. He wouldn't get any help from them.

'They both left yesterday morning.' There was this parcel that came and '

'Deacoys' Lou sobbed.


'Go ask Jimmy' she sobbed and hid her face in her hands, now crying heartbreakingly.

Rachel drew the tiny riders into a hug as the rest rushed out to Jimmy to find out what Lou was talking about.

*** Buck felt he had been riding forever not getting anywhere. The storm was over him again and he had ti trust his horse to find the way back home. But he wasn't so sure he'd be able to lead the rest of them back to the cottage he'd left Kid outside of. He felt guilty as he stuggled against the wind. He was cold down to his bones. The shivering made it hard for him to concentrate on what he was doing. He felt his horse move under him in a steady walking pace that almost rocked him to sleep. One minute he was feeling cold and in the next he was bursting out in a sweat from the hot wave that hit him. His head was starting to hurt. He knew he had a bad cold creeping up on him. I wonder why, he thought to himself with a bitter smile. Just get me home, he told his horse and gave the horse a pat. The horse seemed to feel the riders distress and lenghtened it's stride to get the rider home, knowing it wasn't far now.

Chapter 5

The bunkhouse was filled with Lou's hearbreaking sobs. 'I knew it' she kept repeating ' I knew it. He's out there freezin' to death in the snow.' The riders watched her, but felt they couldn't do anything to calm her. The only one that could have calmed her wasn't there. Jimmy's eyes showed his pain too. Even Cody was silent. Ike became more an more worried about Buck. If he was with the Kid, who knows what had happened. But of course, only Katy had come back without a rider. Ike tried to sweep away the bad thoughts he was having, to the back of his mind. He went to Lou's side and held her. Fully knowing he wasn't the one she needed. She gave him a tearful smile and put her head on his shoulder and started to sob again. They can't all have died, she squeeled. What if they're all dead, Noah and Buck too?' Rachel closed her eyes before the grim possibility that this Christmas would become the funeral of three of their familymembers. It would be like burying three of her own children. 'No Lou, she said, trying hard to hide the fear in her voice. 'That's just not possible'. 'Rachel's right, Teaspoon filled in ,'I'm sure nobody's dead, they'll show up.- He rose and walked to the window. Looking out the window into the darkness of the storm he repeted silently 'They'll just have to show up'

*** Jimmy and Lou had almost gone out in the storm to look for the riders. Just as Teaspoon predicted. It took a lot of persuading and a litte force to hold them down.

'We just cant leave know. We don't even know where Katy came from. The snows destroyed all the traces.' Teaspoon was trying hard to talk some sence into his riders. Ike had tried to sneak out but was caught by Rachel.

'I'm rested now' I can go' he signed violently. 'Buck's out there, I'll find him, just let me go.'

'Ike! Teaspoons firm hold of him made him realise he would not be able to fight this man. 'But we have to do something' he signed.

'We'll start out tomorrow morning' Teaspoon was decisive. 'We just can't go anywhere tonight. It's too dark. Hell you wouldn't even find the whole army in this kind'o weather. And that goes for you too, Jimmy. Dammit, a couple of days ago you were all like enemies, nearly biting each other. Now you want to kill yourselves for each other. And probably leave the needy one's to die out there. As soon as he said that he heard another squeel from Lou and he almost bit his tongue. 'That's not what I mean Lou, I mean we have to have a plan and some light before we head out there. Or we'll be the one's who need help. Are you all clear on that? Teaspoon eyes wandered over each one of them, having them to nod and accept.

Alright then. We'll all have a nights sleep and then we'll go out and find Buck, Kid and Noah. And we're gonna bring them all home.

'In a coffin or not, that's the question' Cody butted in. Immeadiately receiving murdering looks from Rachel and Teaspoon. Even Jimmy, who ought to have been used to it by now, felt a urge to drag him out in the snow and make his feet freeze to the ground and prevent him from always putting them in his mouth.

'Cody, I wish you could, just once in your life, find the right things to say' Jimmy sounded as he had lost all his hope as he laid his arm around Lou's shaking shoulders. 'Come on. Lou, it's Cody, you know him and his elegant manners.'

'I'm just so scared he might be right.'

*** Noah was watching the Kid's laboured breathing. He felt sick about how the men had maltreated the Kid all day. They had left him in peace now that they had the Kid to torture. Even if he didn't utter a word and withstood his 'I don't remember' version of the events, they still liked to beat him up. Noah couldn't count how often he had scoped the unconsious Kid from the floor. Worst was that everytime they had shown some interest in Noah, Kid started something to make them mad at him again. Noah felt that he had to hit the Kid himself soon, so they would leave him alone. He had a fever now, due to the beating. His condition was worsening by the minute. Noah was getting desperate with the Kid's persistance.

The men were getting weary too. And it was talk about two leaving to look for some shipment that evidently the Kid should have carried. They were getting at each other for letting the horse go. Noah just hoped Katy had gotten home and Buck. too. He prayed that the Kid would keep quiet and not aggravate his own situation. He looked at his friend who refused to let him take the beatings and always butted in, one way or another. He was starting to understand Lou's reactions.

His mind started to wander. He thought about Rock Creek on a warm sunny day. He thought about his family he had lost. He thought about the friend laying beside him that he probably would lose if help didn't come soon. He tried to move his arms and losen the thight ropes around his backbent arms. He thought about Christmas. In two days it would be Christmas Eve and he wondered if Kid and him would see that day. He watched the North Star that shone trough the window.

Chapter 6

Lou fell into an uneasy sleep. Filled with nightmares and cries. She kept waking up and she feared that morning would never come. The storm faded and left just a little sound of wind blowing, far away. She could hear the other's turn and toss and knew they were having the same kind of night she had. She kept seeing the Kid before her. The first time he asked her to dance. The smiles and gazes they used to exchange when nobody was watching. She even remembered exactly how his lips felt the first time he kissed her. Everey memory felt like a knife throug her heart. Her eyes filled with tears she drifted into a nightmarish sleep again.

Ike woke with a startle. He had heard something, he was sure about it. He rose and went to the window. The night was clear now as the stars filled it with light. He saw a horse with a lump on it's back. It took a while before he recognized Buck's horse. But where was Buck? He felt his heart sink when he realised it might be the second horse to come home without a rider. He quickly lept over to Jimmys bunk and shook his shoulder. Jimmy groaned and opened just one eye. *Keep quiet' Ike signed. 'Buck's horse.' Jimmy lept out of bed in one move. They tried to get their clothes on as quiet as possible. Trying to avoid waking Lou. This was something they didn't want her to see just now. They had almost gotten out of the door when they heard her wake and move.

'Where are you goin' she peeked out off the door, shivering in the cold. As she saw the horse approach she stiffened and let out a wail. 'Oh God!'

'Lou, get inside, you're gonna freezee to Just get inside. Jimmy tried to get Lou back inside as Ike got Buck's horse and Buck slid off it's back and landed on the ground. Ike let the horse go and lifted his friend. 'He's alive' he signed to Jimmy who felt an wave of relief sweep trough him. Teaspon had heard the commotion and stood in the snow catching Buck's horse as it made it's way to the barn. Lou came out half clothed and sank down in the snow to take Buck's head in her arms. Sobbing she brushed away the hair falling in his eyes.

'Buck, what happened' she cried as she rocked the fallen rider.

'Lou, we gotta get him inside. Would you please go get Rachel. Jiimy tried to pull her to her feet to get a hold of Buck's legs to carry him inside.

'Lou, please..' He tried to calm her with her voice and get her to collect herself. She turned around and ran into the house, almost running Rachel down. Rachel took her by her shoulders. 'Lou, warm some water and find all the blankets you can. Take even those in the barn that aren't in use. Hurry, please. Lou felt she was going on empty. She nodded and ran into the barn. Not knowing exactly how she did it, she gathered all the blankets and ran back to the bunkhouse. She felt all her feelings were drained out. She didn't even want to hear what happened, she didn't want to know anything anymore.

*** Buck's fever was sky high. The doctor told them he probably wouldn't be able to talk for a couple of days. As they heard that they all glanced at Lou. She was sitting on a bench, hardly blinking at the news. She was scaringly calm. In the first morning light she sat by Buck's side and stroke his hair. She was talking silently to him and the other couldn't hear what she was saying. Her present behavior scared them more than the tears earlier.

'She's given up' Rachel said tears in her eyes as she warmed more blankets for Buck. 'I don't think she really knows what she's doin' right now, it's like she isn't even here.

'I know' Teaspoon nodded as he watched the tiny rider. He turned to Rachel 'we'll go out soon. Jimmy's out saddling the horses. I don't think Lou should come with us. Ike's coming after with the buckboard. Just in case. Rachel shrugged as she realised what he meant.

'God' Teaspoon, this can't be happenin'. Teaspoon put his arms around her shoulders. 'I don't know what to think anymore. I'm afraid I'm gonna have the worst Christmas ever, and that's not what I was hopin' for.

'Buck will make it, wont he?´Rachels concern grew as he heard Teaspoon tired desperation.

´Buck, will make it, Buck's home.

As they were talking they heard Lou rise from the bed and run towards them. Buck tells us to go opposite the North star and something about a shag in the woods? Half a days ride in normal weather. She was stumbling over the words.

' He's talking? Teaspoon looked at Lou with wide eyes.

'He just told me before he drifted off again.

'I think I know what he means, Teaspoon.' Cody had just come in and had been listening to the conversation. Me and Jimmy got lost one day and had to take cover for a thunderstorm in that place. It's not much of a house but it is cover and it south from here.

Let's go boys. Let's bring them back home. Lou was the first one out of the bunkhouse and nobody had the heart to tell her to stay behind. She climbed up on the buckboard with Ike and they were on their way.

*** They were out of wood and the cabin was freezing cold. The men had left Noah and Kid in the cold to go gather wood. They were both tied, even the semiunconsius Kid. His unknowing strategy had gone to pieces during the night as he called out Lous name in his delirious sleep. Noah knew they were going to kill him today if he didn't talk.

'Kid, please, tell them anything you know, just don't let them kill you' Noah pleeded with his friend.

'Noah, I don't know anything´

'We'll have to make up something then.'

'And ass soon as I've talked, we'll both be killed'.

'They know you remember Kid. You've been callin' out Lou's name the whole night.'

Kid groaned as he tried to shift position. Noah saw his troubled breathing get worse.

'Kid, don't pass out'

'Tell Lou I .., well you know. Tell her I thought about her. Tell her I'll always love her wherever I go.

'Kid, you not goin' anywhere!'

'Noah, I hate to brake this to you, but I think you're gonna be all alone if something doesn't happen soon. If I only could get hold of a gun. His voice was hardly audible. He was breathing heavily and he looked more dead than alive. Blood running from the wound and from varoius parts of his body. If Lou saw him like this Noah was afraid she'd lose her sanity. He couldn't even imagine the pain Kid must feel. Noah had to go through some pounding since the Kid was all but lucid and the men obiously like hitting their victims while they were still able to feel the pain.

Noah closed his eyes and felt the anger and disgust for the men growing by the minute.

'I know they're near. I know they''ll be here soon. You have to promise me to hold on. Kid! Kid!

He only heard a kind of noise coming from his friend. 'Kid, Lou's gonna kill me if you go and die on me. You wouldn't like that to happen to a friend would you?'

Kid opened his eyes and gave Noah a faint smile. 'I wouldn't wish Lou's anger on my worst enemy.

'Maybe on our hosts. Noah looked at the Kid and tried to smile, but Kid had slid over into the unconsciousness. Maybe better that way Noah thought.

*** Lou felt they had been out forever. They didn't seem to get anywhere with the buckboard. Teaspoon, Cody and Jimmy were far off already. She wished she had had time to saddle Lightening instead of sitting on the buckboard losing time. It was killing her to know that she wouldn't be the first to arrive at the cabin. And it was killing her to think about if they had to take somebody home on the buckboard.

*** Cody, Jimmy and Teaspoon spotted the house from behind the trees. They recognized Noah's horse. This must be whhere they were at. But were they still alive? And for how long if the men were moving out?

'We have to get closer' Teaspoon gave Jimmy a sign to follow him. Cody, go round to the other side.

'We don't even know how many they are? Jimmy tried to protest

'Four, if you count the horses.

' We have to get them out of the house' Cody whispered.

'Yes son, I know. But how?

'Let's put what's left off the barn on fire, Jimmy turned to Teaspoon with anger in his voice.

'Son that's not half a bad idea. But what about the horses?

*We'll have to let them loose right before the fire take hold. We'll have to start fire somewhere else, Cody looked like he had a plan .

'Cody, Jimmy, Teaspoon face lighted up' you've done me proud. Cody, since it's you idea, you start the fire and Jimmy and me's gonna see what else we can do.

The men inside the cabin were preparing to leave. Just a last meal and then it's goodbye. Pete leaned in over Noah and gave him a satanic smile.

'If we would have food to spare we'd give you you last meal. But I guess you'll have to die hungry!' Andrew joined in.

Noah knew he had to do something now or never again. Suddenly he realised Kid's hand was free. They must have seen he was badly off and never bothered check if he was tied up. Noah didn't know if Kid had heard what the men had said. He had been lying still for a scaringly long time now. But he suddenly saw him move his hand slightly. Was it a consious or unconsious move?

Suddenly Andrew rose to his feet.

'I smell smoke'

The men all rushed to the door. The first one to arrive was met by Jimmy's bullet. The man fell hard to the floor. Right by Kid's side.

'What the hell' Another bullet ended the days for Jim. Before they understood what happened Andrew crumbled against the cabin wall with a force that made it come tumbeling down. Pete took Noah and dragged him to his feet.

'One more shot and this is the last sight of this one here. He suddenly saw it was Noah he had taken a hold off. He looked kind of disappointed as the turned on him. ' What the hell he esclaimed desperately, who cares about a nigger anywa.' His mouth still open he sank to the floor with unbelieving eyes. Noah turned around to see what had happened. He saw Kid's hand holding a gun lifted in the air.

'I do' Kid said before he lost his grip of the gun and passed out.

Noah rushed to his side.

Chapter 7

As Ike and Lou arrived they saw only Teaspoon and Noah. Lou feared the worst and jumped off the buckboard and started running to the men.

'Noah, Noah! she cried as she was approaching.

Teaspoon stepped in her way and took her by her shoulders. This action made her understand that there was something they didn't want her to see. She spotted Jimmy inside what was left of the cabin and understood that the Kid would be there too.

'Let go Teaspoon, I have to see him,I have to'

'Hold on Lou, Jimmy just want's to tidy him up a little first. Lou understood that what she was about to see was a thing she would neverforget. She felt a wave of nausea and had to throw up.

'Lou! Teaspoon shifted position, shocked over the reaction. As Lou fell on her kness and buried her face in the snow.

'Lou! She faintly heard Noah's voice. Kid told Jimmy to tidy him up or, we'll he wanted to be more presentable to his girlfriend. He didn't want you to see him like this. He's alive, Lou. I can't say he's fine, but he's alive.

Teaspoon looked bewildered. 'Did you think he was oh Lou. Noah shook his head, 'Well it sounded that way even to me. Teaspoon gave Noah a stunned glance. Lou started for the house in a unsteady manner and and they watched her stumble inside.

Lou felt like she was somewhere else. She didn't know what to think anymore. She had to see for herself. She saw Jimmy rise his hand and wave it. The she saw Kid's face. His eyes directed at hers and she fell down to her knees. And put her arms around him. She didn't say anything for the longest time. She had to close her eyes for the feeling that overwhelmed her when she she saw him. His skin was burning hot and his eyes looked somewhat peculiar. But he was still looking at her, he was still there.

'I wasn't ready yet, Lou. You'll have to learn some manners. Jimmy still waved the towel.

Lou wasn't listening to him, that was obvious. Her eyes were fixed at Kid's. He looked at her and took her hand. She closed her eyes and her head dropped. She started shaking. 'Lou you alright?' Kid faint voice was full of worry. Jimmy shook his head and went out. Better leave them alone. As he went out he had to turn around and take a last look. Lou's fingers were all over Kid's face and hair. Carefully assesing the injuries and reassuring herself that he really was alive. She didn't say a word and that seemed to scare the Kid.

'Lou, you alright? He started again. She hushed him and took his hand into hers.

'It's gonna be fine now Kid. I'll take care of you, Lou almost whispered as her voice was trembling with emotion.

Jimmy felt he had tears in his eyes as he walhed out to the others.

Outside the men were waiting. They saw Jimmy rise the towel he had used to clean Kid's face up, in a protest. Then Jimmy came out.

'What'ya say to her Teaspoon' she looked like she'd seen a ghost, Jimmy gave Teaspoon an inquiring look. Noah sat down, still to weak to stand for a long time.

'I'll tell you Jimmy, it sounded an awful lot like something Cody would say.

Cody came from behind what was left of the barn leading the horses.

'Somebody died or what? He asked when he saw them look in his direction.

'I told you, Noah laughed, feeling his aching muscels protest, that's what it sounded like.

*** They loaded the injured into the buckboard and started home. It seemed like Kid had used up his last strenght, He was unconsius most of the time. Lou sat in the middle of the men and held Kid's hand, while she was interrogating Noah about what had happened. He told her the most but left the bloodiest parts out. Her hand were constantly straightening the blankets around them. Noah recognised her pain and her need to know. But he felt Kid was the one to fill her in. As he turned his head and looked at his pale friend he realised the danger wasn't over yet. He debated with himself for a moment before he decided to tell her.

'Lou, before you came earlier this morning I mean, Kid told me to tell you he loves you, I know he'll tell you this himself later. I just think you outta know.

He watched her swallow her tears. And saw her trembling hand caress Kid's hair.

'Was he afraid he was going to die? Was he ., her voice broke as she tried to express her concern and fear.

'He was just telling me how much he loved you. I think he wanted you to know in case. ..

Their eyes met and he saw she understood.

'He saved my life, you know. He was able to shoot the man that had tormented us. I can't imagine how he did it, but he did it.

'That's the Kid' Lou smiled with tears in her eyes at him.

'Always buttin' in, huh?

*** As they arrived at the bunkhouse. Rachel was waitng on the veranda. As they approached she looked at Lou's face trying to read the situation. She couldn't tell. Teaspoon slid off his horse and put an arm around her.

'They're alive. Kid's bad, but he's alive. Noah is badly beaten but still strong enough to protest against having to come in on the buckboard. And against havin' to see a doctor.

'Thank you God. Rachel let out a breathe she hadn't realised she was holding.

'How's Buck?' 'The fever's gone down a little. Doc says he'll be better by tomorrow. Teaspoon we'll better get the doc. He's on his way, Jimmy went to get him.

Rachel hurried over to the buckboard. She stroke Noah's arm and smiled at him. Relieved to see him smiling back. Kid seemed to be asleep, but Lou's look told her he had lost consiousness and was unwakable.

'He'll be fine, Lou. He's home now. He'll be just fine. Let's get'em into the house!

*** Lou sat by Kid's side the whole night after the Doc left. She sat there and just watched him. He was looking better already, having been cleaned up and bandaged. Doc told them that he'd have to take it easy for a couple of weeks. Headinjuries were hard to assess. He had three broken ribs too. The fever was from the cold and sheer exhaustion. Noah was going to be fine too. In fact he had put up a fight about seeing the doctor at all. The doc ordered bedrest for at least two days. Tied down if necessary.

Buck was awake, exhausted but awake. She smiled at him when she came out of the room where Kid was. She sat down at his side.

'Is he gonna make it?'

'Yeah, Buck, he's gonna be just fine. I want to thank you for .'

'Lou, he's a friend. No need to be thankin' me.

'I just feel like thankin' the whole world right now. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and your all alright.

'I know how you can thank me, Lou'

'What'ya mean?'

'You take the decoction this woman's been feedin'me' He was pointing at Rachel coming out off the kitchen with a steaming bowl in her hands.

'Please Lou, it's awful'

*** Lou woke early next morning. She checked on Kid. He was still sleeping but his breathing sounded much more even now. She straightened the blankets and went to see how the others were. Buck was still sleeping, snoring lightly and Noah had put his head under the blanket and slept calmly. Jimmy and Ike were sleeping on the chairs beside their friends. She saw light under the kitchen door so she went in.

'Mornin' Rachel'

'Lou, already up? Why don't you sleep a little longer this mornin'?

'I feel too happy to sleep this day away. Need some help?

'Not really, I felt the same way. Decided to make some coffee, want some?


Lou sat down at the table and waited for Rachel to pour her some coffee. Rachel watched her from the side. Lou was radiant, but pensive. Rachel thought about what had happened and remembered how scared she had been when the boys were missing. It must have been ten times worse for Lou. She couldn't even imagine how she must have felt. Maybe something like her when she lost her husband? She involuntarily shrugged at the memory.

'Rachel, you alright?

'Yeah Lou, just remebered some bad memories.


'What I felt like when my husband died'

Lou's face went sad. She looked down at the tablecloth, fidling it with her fingers.

'Rachel, I don't know what I would have done if Kid had died. I'm afraid to even think about it. I've had to many people die on me already. Even if Buck and Noah would have died it would have been bad, but if the Kid'

'I know Lou. But somehow you have to get through things like that.

'They're all here now. I'm so sorry 'bout your loss. But you've gained this whole bunch instead. I know it isn't the same, but you got us.

'And I'm so glad I do. We're gonna make this our finest Christmas ever. Come on Lou, let's check on the boys. I've prepared some more brood.

'I'm afraid Buck's not gonna like this

'Oh darn, and the brood is the only present I've got for him.

The women smiled at each other as they took the bowls with the decoct, as Buck called it, and went in to serve their patients.

*** Kid had slept all day throu'. Lou tried to get him to eat some of the soup Rachel had prepared. But all she managed to get him to do was drink some water. He never even opened his eyes. The Doc came in the afternoon and told Lou not to worry, he had to catch uo on his sleep. Lou was impatient, she wanted him to talk to her. She knew she was being unfair, he had been badly hurt and needed his rest. She sat by his bedside all day long. Leaving him for just some minute to go help Rachel. He didn't show any sign of waking up. She fell asleep her head on the bed and his hand in hers. When Jimmy came in to check on them he found her curled up half on the bed half on the chair. He lifted her and put her on the bed, covering her with blankets. He had to smile at her, automatically her hand went in search of the Kids as he moved her and she lost her grip.

'Goodnight, he whispred to his sleeping friends and went to check on Noah that was getting tired of the bedrest. Jimmy felt at peace. Celinda and Nathan had showed up and planned to spend Christmas with them all. He felt everything had fallen into places. Everybody he cared about was right here where they outta be.

*** Lou woke the next morning wondering where she was. She was in Kid's bed but where was he? She lept out of bed and an into the kitchen. There he was, drinking water.

'Oh mornin' Lou, slept well. He smiled thou' the hand that was holding the glass trembled violently.

'Get back to bed you. She took the glass in her hands and gently helped him drink as he leaned heavily on her.

'Hold on Lou, I was just thirsty.

'An' you couldn't wake me?

'No I thought you needed the sleep. By the way what day is it today?

'Oh God Kid, It's Christmas and get back to bed this minute! Am not kiddin'! She tightened his grip on him, carefully avoinding his injured side.

'Come on Kid, you have to rest.

'She almost dragged him to the bed and watched him lay down with a grimace of pain.

'How are you?

'I'm fine, Lou. Head hurts a bit but that's all. Listen I have a gift for you in the bunkhouse. You think we could go there and

' I don't believe this. You're all the same. Noah's been trying to get up all day. You'll all have to stay here until Doc says otherwise.

'Ain't you buttin' in a little too much now Lou? He watched her with a smirk. Lou was out of speech. Look who was talkin'. The forever-buttin-in- son- of. Then she had to smile back at him. She understood what he was trying to do to her.

'Aw Kid don't even go there. You just wait here and I'll get the Doc.

*** The Doc gave all three men the right to sit up to dinner.'Fine. Kid hastily remarking that he had to get up right away. I have to get to the bunkhouse and fast, he tried to explain . Rachel soulded him ' Doc said, you can stay up during dinner. He said nothing about running 'round town. 'But Rachel I have something I have too'''. Rachel lifted her index finger and waved it in his face. 'Young man, listen. Ask Jimmy or Cody. If I see you out of bed before I say so, I'll tie you down myself. Kid frowned but obeyed. 'Ok, he said' I'll ask Jimmy'

Christmas dinner was beautiful. They were all gathered, all the riders, Teaspoon and Rachel and their guests, Celinda and Nathan, all in peace. Lou was sitting next to Kid helping him if he needed something. Her eyes glittering with the candles Rachel had lit in the bunkhouse. The ate and listened to the children sing Christmas carrols outside.

'Look! Buck said pointing at the North Star shining through the window. 'That's the star I was talking about. That's the star I followed.

'Never knew stars could be that much help, Jimmy said thoughtfully. Never realised how much they light up at night.

'Let us never forget that star, Rachel said. Let 's remember each other everytime we see that star, wherever we are.

' That's what I did those nights, Kid said, I saw that star throu' the windows and I was thinkin' off you. He took Lou's hand under the table. Lou smiled and squeezed his hand into a tight grip.

'So did I, Noah smiled at the Kid

'Maybe that star is keeping and eye on us all? Kid said solemnly.

They all fell silent and watched the star that was shining steadily in the northern sky. Maybe they had found a guiding star?

The End

Reactions are eagerly awaited! Mail me

Email:Siv Lundgren