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Important People to Me

Sometimes in life, someone touches you and you are truely blessed. I will attempt to list all the people who have blessed me. I will be adding. Just in case, you feel you should be on this list.

Wade Sr.(Dad) and Jill (Mom) Hall: They are my parents, who have helped me.

Alicia Ann Hall(Sis): She is my sister, who has made me a better man.

Joshua(Josh) Scott Hall: He is my cousin, who has help me learn patience.

Christian(Chris) Neil Peterson: He is my friend, who made me define my beliefs.

Crystal(Crissier) Elizabeth Light: She is my friend, and neighbor girl, who is a great artist.

Shawna (fruit Salad)Hardin: She is my friend, who makes me laugh.

Stacie(Bible Bowl Queen)Hardin: She is my friend, who challenges me to be patient.

(Kelly)Marie Weasel: She is my friend, who is continually in my prayers.

Troy "(Boy" Yeager: He is my neighbor and friend, who is a good prayer partner.

Todd Buesung: He is my friend, who is full of knowledge.

Andrew Peed: He is my friend, who is really philosophical.

Clark Vandeveter: He is my friend, who is going to be President.

Pastor Ken Williams: He is my pastor, who is a living example.

My Sunday School Class: Their constant prayers and support mean more than they will ever know.

Doug Wall: He is my friend, who is a real man of God.

Sarah Marie Newland: She is my friend, who is very dear to my heart.