Crystal and Paul
Crystal converses with Paul over coffee.
"You know. We're such good friends, you and me."
Paul looks through the steam from his brew.
He jokingly states, "No way. I can't stand you."
Acting offended, Crystal laughs, through flowers peeking,
"Paul, for goodness sake, you're so mean."
"Yes maybe, but I still hang out with you."
Crystal then states, "I can still remember when our friendship was new."
They both, almost instinctively think back to that time.
Now they come together like "peas and carrots", like lemon and lime.
"Yeah", Paul says, "I guess we are pretty cool friends."
They both take another sip, and the conversation ends.
Ah, but what goes on within their individual heads?
What are they each thinking now that all has been said?
Let's search first the mind of Crystal.
What does she really think of her friend, Paul?
"He's such a cool guy, awesome and sweet,"
"Exactly the type of guy I've always wanted for me."
"He loves God more than anything, which is so great,"
"Exactly the type of guy I've always wanted to date."
"What am I thinking? I mean, that's Paul."
"I couldn't imagine 'dating' my friend at all."
So those are the views, which Crystal holds,
But lets search the mind of Paul before his coffee gets cold.
"She's so awesome, happy and pretty,"
"Exactly the type of girl I've always wanted for me."
"She whole-heartedly serves the Lord, which is so great,"
"Exactly the type of girl I've always wanted to date."
"What am I thinking? I mean, that's Chrystal."
"I could never imagine 'dating' my friend at all."
So our two good buddies take their last sips,
But will they ever reveal the secrets that are kept?
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