
Hands grip my heart tightly,
holding it back.
It longs more to feel,
but it finds no release.
I can see her with my eyes,
a most wonderful sight.
With that sight, I look within myself
to find a heart held hostage.
I can see its pounding effort
to feel
to fly...
to escape.
Yet the hand's grip grows tighter.
The heart grows weak.
My ears hear her hurt.
My heart longs to respond,
to feel
to care...
to escape.
She sits before me
With a heart open and exposed.
How I long to carefully hold it!
I fee my body jolt in her direction;
reaching out arms and hands,
which aren't there.
Her heart waits for loving hands.
I know I have them,
but where are they?
I search inside and out
and find them not.
Where are the hands I know I have?
I hear a voice; faint and distant
yet familiar.
My heart screams from its bondage.
It longs also to find my hands;
the loving hands
to carefully hold her heart.
So I tear at the grip around my heart,
but it is so tight,
relentless it seems.
With effort and pain,
my heart is free.
Oh, but the hands remain.
"You had my heart in bondage.
You don't belong here," I cry.
"Go back where you belong.
Who do you belong to?"
I look at the hands closely,
painfully realizing
they are mine.
So the grip continues,
while my heart longs to hold hers.
Yet the grip grows.
My heart longs to care
to feel
to LOVE...
to escape.