Gentle Doll
Oh, gentle one
Like a beautiful doll incased
A great brightness
Gleams forth from your face
I used to think I "loved" you
But wait, I guess I still do
In a different way now
For between us, a friendship grew
A pretty stong one
One I hope will last
We've known each other a while
But it was different in the past
Now I know you better
I'm glad that's the way it is
For if it hadn't happened
There's oppurtunities I'd miss
Like me being there
Whenever I can for you
And of course my knowing
That you would do it too
Hearing you say my name
When I walk into the room
In only your way which,
Sounds very happy, I assume
Experiencing the joy
The one which fills my heart
When I hear your voice
It begins as soon as you start
I love to hear you laugh
It's always an encouraging sound
Yes, it keeps OUR spirits high
Especially when we're down
There are a lot of things
Which our friendship brings
But all that are mentioned
Are those which apply to me
So just don't forget
All the things I've written
If you do, just ask
My verbal thoughts'll be given
I think more of you
Than you'll ever know
God has truly blessed me
With the friendship you show
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