How Many Times

God, how many times
Have you put something right in front of me
And then how many times
Have I completely missed whatever it was
I'm pretty sure it's happened
Much more than I could possibly count
Probably happens every day
And I probably miss it every single time

Sometimes I think it's because
I'm not as close to you as I should be
Could that really be
Why I miss your subtle hints which you give
The only times I ever see you
Are when you preverbally smack me upside the head

Then when it's been a while
I start to feel like I have lost you
Sure, I've been told many times
"He's right behind you my friend, just turn around."
But you know what
Sometimes that just doesn't seem to be enough

So how many times, God
Have you put yourself right there in front of me
And yet you still find me
To be absolutely blind, and completely incoherent

What is my problem, God!!!
I really need to find you, and keep you...

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